Chapter 4- Candies And More Candies!

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Claire stays under the blanket and when someone opens the door, Kaide will appear out of nowhere and scare people! She's sure her idea will work. So they try, they knock on a door... And finally someone answers and opens the door! A man sees Claire disguised as a ghost, mute because she knows that Kaide wants to scare him, so she stays in front of the man. He wonders why the ghost girl doesn't say anything and then he goes home but! Kaide jumps out of nowhere and yells "TRICK OR TREAT!!"
Kaide's plan worked, the man was very surprised and scared. He comes to his senses and says:
- Wow you scared me both! Well done, here are some sweets for you.
Yes! Kaide is glad she scared someone, she loves to do this for fun. They manage to collect a lot of sweets thanks to this technique, so much so that they even had to buy another bag to carry everything!


Two hours after this candy hunt, they decide to go home. They have to hurry because the rain is still falling, they can't wait to get home. Kaide's tail could no longer stay above her head, it was raining way too hard... Claire had seen her very wet so she told her to go under the blanket to be covered from the rain.

Arriving home, Kaide is very happy and thanks Claire for doing this for her. Claire is glad to see her lovely tiefling like this, she is rarely as happy as that.
They change their clothes, put on more comfortable clothes, and look at the sweets they have collected. Lollipops, chocolate, spicy candies, they got a lot of sweets!

Before eating them, Claire asks something to Kaide :
- Kaide... Can you do something for me?
Kaide accepts directly.
Can I have a kiss?

Kaide doesn't wait a second before jumping into her arms and covering her with kisses. Claire laughs and kisses her lover too.

- Hehe now I want to eat candies! Kaide said.
Claire smiles, glad that her girlfriend is happy, and gives her lollipops that she knows Kaide loves.

After some sweets they both fall asleep on the sofa, Kaide in Claire's arms, and the rain continued to fall outside... 💤


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End. <3
Thanks for reading :)

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