The Injury

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Izzy's POV

I was working out in the basement. I was doing squats but as I started to hear popping noises coming from my knee.

All of a sudden, I felt shooting pain in my knee as I bent down and held my knee. I collapsed to the floor and I was holding my knee in pain. I began to cry as the pain was getting worse.

Jake's POV

Izzy texted me to come downstairs to the basement. So I just walked down to the basement until I heard familiar sounds of crying.

"Izzy?" I called for Izzy as I rushed down the stairs to the basement.

I saw Izzy sitting on the floor, bent over and I heard her crying in pain.

"Izzy!" I called her again aa I rushed over to her.

I knelt down in front of her and she was still crying.

"Izz? Are you okay? What hurts?" I asked her in worry.

I put my hands on her shoulders while she was sobbing.

"My knee hurts! I heard my knee pop and then I felt a shooting pain come up my knee." Izzy exclaimed.

"Okay, I won't take you to the hospital but I'll help you walk to the couch but if it gets worse, I'm taking you to the Walk-in Centre." I exclaimed.

"Now I'm going to help you up." I exclaimed as I got up and I grabbed hold of her hands.

She made it half way up until she felt the pain in her knee as she collapsed to the floor with me going down with her.

"It's hurts too much!" Izzy cried in pain.

"I know it does but it's going to be okay. Now are you ready to get up?" I asked her as she nodded her head.

"I'm helping you up now." I exclaimed as I got up and I grabbed hold of her hands.

"Come on Izz, you can do it. There you go." I exclaimed as she slowly stood up with my help.

"Now put your arm around my shoulder and I'll help you walk up to the stairs." I exclaimed as she put her arm around my shoulder and I put my hand around her waste.

I held her hand that was around my shoulder and I began to help her walk.

She was grunting in pain.

"Jake, it hurts too much." Izzy exclaimed.

"I know but this is the only way to do it." I exclaimed as we got to the stairs.

As soon as Izzy put one foot on the first step.

She burst out crying as she bent her knee.

"It hurts too much to bend it." Izzy cried in pain.

"I know but try to ignore it." I exclaimed.

We slowly went up the stairs, with a few breaks as well.

"You're almost there Izz, just one more step." I exclaimed as she made it up to the top.

We made it up to the top and I helped her walk to the living room. As we got in there, Cubby was sitting on the couch, watching Peppa Pig. Cubby looked at Izzy, in shock.

"Coconuts! What happened??" Cubby exclaimed.

"Izzy's hurt her knee really bad. So she needs to lie down on the couch. So can you move to the armchair?" I asked Cubby as I helped Izzy to walk to the couch.

"Of course." Cubby exclaimed as we both helped Izzy to lie down on the couch.

I placed a cushion underneath her knee.

"I'll be back with an ice pack for your knee." I exclaimed as I rushed to the kitchen to get Izzy an ice pack.

Izzy's POV

I was still crying in pain. Jake rushed over to me and he placed the ice pack on my knee.

"Thanks Jake." I groaned as I was in so much pain.

"Do you want me to take you to the Walk-in Centre?" Jake asked me.

"No thank you. I don't want to go to the hospital." I exclaimed.

"I didn't say you were going to the hospital." Jake exclaimed.

"Only if my knee gets worse." I exclaimed as my knee was in bad pain.

"I'm taking you to the Walk-in Clinic Izz." Jake exclaimed as he brought in my old wheelchair.

"Why have you brought down my old wheelchair?" I asked him.

"You can barely walk without putting weight on your knee." Jake exclaimed as he helped me to sit down on it.

"But I don't want to go in a wheelchair." I groaned.

"You've got no choice. You're staying in this wheelchair and I'm taking you to the Walk-in Centre." I exclaimed as I started to push her wheelchair.

"I'm coming with you guys." Cubby exclaimed.

We took Izzy to the Walk-in Centre on Medical Island. We entered the Walk-in Centre and we walked over to the Receptionist.

"Hi, my girlfriend has hurt her knee really bad and she needs to be seen immediately." I exclaimed.

"She will need to go to the a and e." The Receptionist exclaimed which was not helpful.

"She's in bad pain and she needs to be seen right away. Look she's in a wheelchair for goodness sake." I exclaimed as I was starting to get really annoyed with this Receptionist.

"I'm sorry but she will need to go to the a and e for an injured knee." She exclaimed.

"Please just please let her see a doctor." I exclaimed.

"Hospital." The Receptionist exclaimed as she pointed to the door.

"Fine. Cmon Izz." I exclaimed as we went over to the hospital.

We got to the doors of a and e. Izzy was really scared.

"Jake, I'm scared. What if I need surgery? What if they keep me??" Izzy began to panic.

I kneeled down in front of her.

"Izz, you're going to be okay. Trust me." I exclaimed as I got up and kissed her on the forehead.

Cubby opened the doors for us.

We went over to the Receptionist to get Izzy signed in.

"Hello and how may I help you?" The Receptionist asked us.

"Hello, my girlfriend, has hurt her knee really bad and she needs an x ray." I exclaimed.

"Did you guys go to the Walk-in Centre?" She asked us.

I hope it wasn't another rude Receptionist.

"Yes we did but she got sent over here." I exclaimed.

"Okay, what is her name?" She asked us.

"Isabella Rose Green." I answered.

"What is her date of birth?" She asked us.

"7th April 2006." I answered.

"Does she have any allergies?" She asked us.

"She's allergic to jalapeños." I answered.

"What is her reason for coming here?" She asked us.

"She was working out, she messaged me to come downstairs and I found her on the floor. She said she heard her knee crack then she felt shooting pain come through her knee." I explained.

"Okay, take a seat and she will be called into the Tri-Arge." The Receptionist exclaimed as she got all of Izzy's information typed down.

Izzy's Knee Injury Where stories live. Discover now