Season 7 Episode 17: The Born-Again Identity, Part 1

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It was consuming her. She knew it. She attempted to make it healthy by splitting her days between training and quite literally stalking Dick Roman, making it just consuming, not all consuming. Somewhere there would be a call from Dean, Sam or Jody, typically trying to hide their concern for her mental state but failing. Jody and Sam would attempt to make her talk and be met with nothing but resistance. Meanwhile Dean would skirt around all of it, and hope, maybe, she would talk about it all herself. This was not desirable to her in any way. For the first time in her life, she was alone. Sure, she and Dean had officially become an item, but she was never the type to be fixed by a man, she was her own person. Or so she had always thought. The truth was her identity had been tied up in a man, Bobby. She struggled to see herself without him. Who she was, she questioned her personal strength, intelligence, worth. She'd always thought she had possessed these things in abundance. Now she wondered if she did, or if Bobby was just her source of all of it. Her training in the morning was typically meant to reassure herself, after a fruitless previous night, turning up no new leads on Dick Roman. Maybe she wasn't as healthy as she thought.

Dean had more than once tried to get her back on the road, which she refused time and again. She seemed to shut herself down from any of that, a real fair start to her budding relationship with Dean, which she questioned over and over. Maybe she should go back to them. As fucked up as being a hunter truly was, it's where she was strong, good, or where she always thought she had been. What's more it wouldn't have left her in solitude. Trouble would have been dodging Sammy trying to get her to talk about her feelings. In person he would probably be relentless. Dean might press a little more in person as well, but she had a firmer grasp on how to redirect his attention these days.

The truth of the situation was in this moment, none of that mattered. That morning it wasn't her alarm that woke her, but a phone call from a Hospital in Indiana. She had been listed as one of Sam Smith, aka Sam Winchester's emergency contacts. She assumed she was third in line, which made her already frenzied packing reach the level of panic. Assuming the other two attempts were her father, and Dean, she was less concerned the hospital needed their third choice. However, their first call being a dud made her a little more worried. Why hadn't they reached Dean? The information she'd gotten on the phone was simply, Sam had been in an accident, he was stable, but admitted. Vague as fuck. So, she packed quickly. Sam was stable so priority number one was finding Dean, then she would head to the hospital. She still wanted to move fast, considering their recent history with hospitals. What if this place was like Sioux Falls General? Crawling with Leviathans.

She zipped up her bag and double checked to see if she had everything. When she was satisfied, she placed a hand on her gun in case she might need it quickly. Her stomach was in knots wondering what she was about to find when she teleported herself to Dean. Stiff and tense she let out a sigh of relief when she looked down to see him asleep and snoring on the couch of the house, they were currently squatting in. She dropped her bag on the floor with a thud as she grabbed his phone off the nearby coffee table.

The thud woke Dean from his slumber and in one swift movement she was at the business end of his gun. His jaw was clenched, and his brow was furrowed, before he realized who was standing inches away from him. "Oh" his features softened, "Hey babe".

Robin, unphased by being at the firing end of his gun, looked at his phone before putting it in his face. "Your ringer is off" she told him. "Nine missed calls, at least four were me".

"Are you okay" he asked in a gravelly, groggy voice as he stretched and got to his feet?

"I'm fine now" she nodded to him.

"Yeah, you are" he grinned as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"But it's good Sammy has me as an emergency contact", she snapped, halting his advances.

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