Reacting to guess who's back

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[scene: my universal theatre]

Me: alright everyone, you now know what the happened and what would happen if Lila continue unchecked "Adrien".

Adrien: Why call me out!?

Me: Ohh I don't know mister "let's go along with Lila for now", what could it be I am calling you out on.

I said sarcastically as everyone looked at Adrien about that. Going along with it will cause more problems then needed.

Me: Okay enough of that everyone ready?

Class: Yeah.

[scene: Paris]

After the reunion of old friends, (Y/n) and Marinette went back to their respective places of residence, Marinette feeling a large amount of happiness in her life after Lila ruined her life with her lies, (Y/n) on the other hand was happy that he's back in Paris and with his childhood best friend Marinette, however he was annoyed that all her friends has left her because of some lier. So has he got to his home, he has sat down thinking about what his been happening of late. After some think he made himself some dinner, once he finished that, he grabbed his phone to see he's got a new e-mail, he opens it up and it says.

Ivan: Okay first day back in Paris after a few years, only to found out what's been happening to his best friend from childhood, okay (Y/n) is going to be annoyed with are others selves.

Alya: If not down right furious with them.

Adrien and Sabrina both looked at each other.

Dear Mr (L/n)

Thank you for helping us with dealing with that hacker threat. We would like to thank you in person however we heard you have moved back to Paris, We of the European Union wish you best of luck in your life, you as a white hat hacker has helped us with dealing with a possible threat.

From European Union

Max: It's seems that this (Y/n) is an ethical hacker for the European Union

Kim: What's an ethical hacker?

Max: A ethical hacker or white hat hacker is someone who is payed by government to hack into their database, to improve there defences against hackers and cyberattack, as well as finding potential threats

The class went silent and some was in fear, this (Y/n) is a hacker and can get all sorts of information on them, the most scared was Lila.

After that (Y/n) got ready for bed, because he starts at the school Marinette is currently at. He is going to make sure his best friend is okay.

[scene change: Dupain-Cheng households]

Marinette came home with the biggest smile on her face, one so filled with happiness, her parents were shocked to see their daughter so happy, so after dinner and closing the bakery Sabine went to her daughter and asked why she is so happy.

Rose: Look how happy this Marinette is that her (Y/n) is back.

Sabine: Marinette dear, I want to ask what could make you so happy, you haven't been so happy after what horrible girl Lila has done to you and your friends.

Marinette: I meet someone today, it really brighten my day.

Tom looks and listen over to what she has to say

Sabine: Who is it dear?

Marinette: My childhood best friend is back in Paris.

Both Tom and Sabine stopped what their we're doing and let that information sink in, (Y/n) Marinette's best friend from childhood is back.

Sabine: You mean (Y/n) is back?!

Marinette: Yeah I just meet him at the old pond who went to as kids

Both Tom and Sabine was glad (Y/n) is back and their daughter is happy, after that Marinette got ready for bed, Tom and Sabine remembered, back when Marinette was being bullied in primary school, (Y/n) would get into trouble for beating up her bullies and telling them to leaves her along. After that Marinette and (Y/n) started to become friends then best friends, until he had to move away, both parents thought.

Marinette: So that how this version of me and (Y/n) become friends. He would beat up my other self's bullies, even if it got himself in trouble.

Alya: Even though this will hurt me to say, he seems to be a better best friend to his Marinette then other me is.

Tom/Sabine: 'who ever hurts Marinette when (Y/n) is around or when he hears about it, their going to learn to leave her alone.'

Adrien: Wait he beaten the bullies that badly they left Marinette alone afterwards.

Nino: Dude.


[scene change: Mrs bustier classroom]

Everyone was in their set with Marinette sitting at the back, after arriving at school her ex-friends all ganged up on her, then Mrs bustier enters the classroom with some news for everyone.

Mrs.Bustier: Hello class today I got some important news to share with everyone.

Kim: Do we have the day off?

Kim: I would say that.

Max: Yes you would

Ivan: No doubt about it.

Alya: Did Lila get a field trip for the class?

Mrs.Bustier: No to both these questions.

Mrs.Bustier: we are getting a new student today.

Lila: of course the new student, I would know because she is my friend.

Everyone was about to comment about how great Lila is but Mrs.Bustier was not finished.

Alya: You know looking at this with the knowledge that Lila is a liar, make us to be...

Me: Stupid for falling for her lies.

Alya: I would say it like that.

Me: Me and many other would.

Mrs.Bustier:Wrong Lila, the new student is a boy, who is a ethical hacker.

Adrien: What is a ethical hacker?

Max: A ethical hacker is someone who is paid by the government to hack into computer, this helps the government with security, finding possible threats.

Mrs.Bustier: That is correct Max. You can come in now!

Everyone was thinking about who is person is, Lila was thinking of a way to get this hacker to listen to her, Marinette was thinking who it could be and hopes Lie-la don't trick him but everyone stopped when their saw the person enter, everyone noticed the necklaces he has on, the over half's of Marinette's necklaces. Everyone thoughts came to a stop when the new student said.

(Y/n): My name is (Y/n) (L/n), childhood best friend of Marinette, and yes I'm a ethical hacker.

Everyone but Marinette: 'Why do I here boss music'

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