Rotting- 26

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"Peter," Tony says, wrinkling his nose, "Did something die inside your backpack?"

"Wha- no. What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the putrid scent that is making me sick. It's coming from your backpack. Do you not smell it?"

The kid had just returned from a long patrol. Tony hadn't heard the details yet but he'd apparently run out of stuff in his first aid kit and wanted to stop by and fix up a few minor wounds.

He pauses, sticking yet another avengers bandaid on his arm. "Mr. Stark I just got a new one I dunno what you're- holy shit-" he'd taken a big whiff of the bag, not thinking anything of it before leaning over and gagging. "My god."

"Yeah," he huffed, holding the thing away from him.  "What happened?"

Peter narrowed his eyes. "I don't wanna talk about it."

"What's that supposed to mean."

When he doesn't speak, Tony pulls on his best 'stern dad' face. (No he didn't name it that)

"Ok fine. I was fighting this alien thing that was shooting weird glowy things at me and I ended up falling in a dumpster- don't laugh."

"There's no way. Kid, a dumpster stinks but this is a whole new- is your backpack glowing?"

"I- should I throw it out the window?"

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?!"

"I don't know!"

The bright green backpack expands, as if a mini explosion happened inside of it.

"Holy shit we could've just died."

"Point is, we didn't. FRI you think I could open it?"

"For all we know it could melt your face off but go ahead boss."

"Did I hear sarcasm?" "No" "Ok, I'm taking your suggestion."

Tony grabs tongs (yes, when he says he has everything in his lab, he means everything) and opens the zipper slowly. It glows like a lantern and green steam rises in the air. He puffs out his cheeks and covers his mouth when he inhales the scent.

"Kid," he mutters. "Why can't you just be a normal teenager and leave a banana in your bag or something? Why's it have to be some crazy stinky alien goop that you got from a dumpster?"

"I don't know I'm sorry. I'll make sure it's a banana next time."

When Tony tips the bag over with his toe, the spidey suit that will later be burned slides out, along with some textbooks and a-

"Is that an egg?"

That's where the light is coming from. The egg. The... cracked, yolk covered space egg.
"Peter. Something came out of that."

"What- what is that?"

Something non-human, scratch that, non-earth, crawls out of Peter's backpack. It makes a clicking noise and Tony thinks he's going to have a heart attack. Peter on the other hand, smiles.

"It's kinda cute."

The man's jaw drops as he points a finger to his kid.
"No. No you did not."


"You can't be doing this."

"What? I can't say it's cute?"

"Not after it's mom tried to eat you! She's probably tracking us now with that fucking smell. No wonder it's so strong- shit let me call Fury."

"Tony you're panicking."


Short asf chapter bc im lowkey sick but I got accepted into one of the colleges I wanted 🫡

Words- 535

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