44: Boundaries That Keep Us Apart

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September 15th, 1991

After work Nina stopped at the community mailbox space towards the entrance of the apartment building.

"Fancy seeing you here." Eddie said happily as he strolled up with his hands in his pocket. Nina turned around and watched him approach as she opened her mailbox.

"Hey Eds. How was work?" Nina shut her mailbox and closed it back up with a lock. Eddie stepped forward and reached his long arms around and past Nina's body to get to his mailbox. Nina took a step back and bumped into the wall. She looked up and watched as Eddie towered over her. Her heart was racing. Eddie laughed to himself and pulled away with his mail.

"Something wrong?" Eddie said with a smirk. Nina shook her head no and took a deep breath. She pushed by Eddie and started off quickly towards the elevator up to her apartment. Eddie sauntered casually towards her. "I don't know why you're running from me. You know we both have to use the elevator."

The two stepped on the elevator together and Eddie pressed the button for the 7th floor, which is what Nina lived on.

"Wait you forgot your floor." Nina laughed and went to push the button for the 9th floor, which is where everyone else lived.

"I'm not going home." Eddie smirked.

"Is that right?" Nina laughed.

"I'm going to your apartment." Nina started laughing.

"You're really just inviting yourself over? Already?" Nina shook her head.

"All the girls come and go from your apartment so why can't I?" Nina rolled her eyes. "Because we've slept together?" The elevator dinged and Nina stepped off. Eddie hung back and hit the button for the 9th floor. "I'll be back down in a bit."

"Whatever you say Eds." Nina smiled before turning around. She could feel his gaze lingering on her as she walked away. She spun around on her toes and caught Eddie biting his lip. He stopped quickly and blushed. "You can stop checking me out now!" Nina teased him.

"Can't help it Valdez. Sorry." Eddie smirked and leaned back against the elevator wall as the door closed. Nina headed to her apartment and started her usual routine of rinsing off before dinner.

Nina got out of the shower and threw on a t-shirt and some sweat pants before heading into her kitchen to figure out what to eat. She opened the refrigerator and stared at its contents until she heard knocking at her front door.

"It's open!" Nina called out. Half a second later Eddie came bursting through the door.

"Didn't miss me too much did you?" Eddie laughed as he strolled into the kitchen

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"Didn't miss me too much did you?" Eddie laughed as he strolled into the kitchen. He used his hip to gently push Nina away from the fridge and start rummaging around inside it.

"Eddie!" Nina huffed. "You can't just come over here and eat all my food."

"But I'm hungry." Eddie shrugged.

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