Training Day (1st Arc/ Chapter 1)

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It is a quiet, yet anxious day, with the 104th prepping to go into battle. As Commander Benjin and General Roland walk through the small and subtle corridor, on their way to the training grounds.

"I assure you, uncle, with the countless hours of training my boy has gone through, he sure enough ready for actual combat". Benjin said with the upmost confidence.

Playing it off, with a slick laugh, "Don't forget, boy If I'm nothing else in life, I am still your mother's brother, rest her heart, but for now I am your general" . Restating his status, as a brag.

In reponse, "Of course, uncle".

Met with a grunt in response. "Either way, it is still quite the dangerous place, especially for a newly knighted ward, such as himself.

"Oh trust you, me... general, I'll prove to you that my boy is worthy and ready for the battlefield".

"Look, Benjin, being frank I know of you and that boy's past and being the ward on a pirate ship, doesn't translate well to royal war..

Benjin understanding his sentiments, begins to speak.

"Are ready you, Henry".

They both glanced down at the battle training pit, only to see the boy, who all at once was a son, grandnephew, ward and now, royal knight. A boy, lean yet tall for his age, with short, dark yet, light brown and density in strength comparable to his father, but not as much as the heavy set general.

He said, with confidence and a hint of fury, "now more than ever".

"Henry, remember in the battlefield, you will need to be aware of all your surroundings not only of your enemy but of yourself. Most important feel the way your sword connects with you as it will be your greatest strength. It should almost feel like a second arm".

"All right we get it, stop catering to the boy and let's get on with it. Ready ... set ... go".

Henry wielded a broad, long sword with a shaved down hilt and as he, while blindfolded, went through the mock battle , repeating to himself "trust the shadow" and just like that was able to summon almost unheard of reflexes. So fast, most say light could barely catch him. One by one, demolished the training field, almost to the ground. Both Benjin and Roland were astonished.

Eventually Henry had succeeded in his challenges, with Roland only being able to say " Welcome to the royal army, my young nephew.. now get ready for battle" .

"Thank you, uncle... general", as he bent the knee in thankfulness.

Not only did Henry feel pride in his heart, but both his father and Roland looked upon him with favor as he would soon be a courageous and honorable knight. But as the fates would have it, the tribulations of battle would prove to be more than any thing Henry ever trained for.

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