Chapter 30

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The tension in the air is palpable as we stand on the edge of the reservoir

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The tension in the air is palpable as we stand on the edge of the reservoir. Anticipation and fear have turned me into a feverish mess. Shivers rush up and down my body in a way that only happens when I'm duelling an exceptional opponent. I'm hot and cold at the same time and have to keep taking my flannel overshirt on and off of my tight training uniform. We decided it would be best to dress in what we would wear to train since we can afford to ruin it. Our caving clothes from last time were fine, but they wouldn't be flexible in a fight. 

For the millionth time today, my eyes flick to Tommy's hardened expression. Everybody seemed to transform today. Tommy had been more irritable and assholish than usual, Ranboo was fidgety and Tubbo seemed to be a mix of the two of them, just more anxious on the outside. I'm forced to kneel on shaking knees as I pull up my climbing harness. Churning in my stomach makes me feel like throwing up, but I have to force it all away. My hands run down my feathers, setting them back in place as they fluff up. 

Silence is all that surrounds us on the side of Mount Velikan. Light hits the mossy reservoir in patches as it filters through the trees and parrots squawk nearby. The thick humidity of the jungle slicks our brows with sweat as we set up our ropes, checking everything for the last time. My invisibility potions force a heavy dip in my belt. I can't stop looking at my friends. Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo... 

The last time I was here, I felt like I had nothing to lose and that the world would be fine without me. I stared down at the funnelled reservoir ready to accept death. The stone stared back at me, deadly silent, daring me to enter its depths. 

Now, it's different, nearly the polar opposite. Objectively, I form an important part of our team, we have to work in pairs. Without me, Tommy would be put at risk once Tubbo and Ranboo split off to rig the volcano to blow. More than that, I have everything to lose today. Each of these boys has a piece of my heart and I refuse to let anything happen to them. 

Once again, my eyes flick to Tommy. A smile tugs my lips as I take in his handsome face and golden hair. His eyes meet mine and I'm lost in them immediately. Tommy returns my smile nervously, and I know we both are feeling the same way. 

Ranboo chugs one of his water-repellant potions marking the end of our preparation. There are no heartfelt speeches or final hugs or teary eyes. We have a job to do, and we'd rather act like we'll see each other on the other side. 

Traversing the caves is a blur from the second I splash into the dank-smelling reservoir. Ranboo stiffens when he touches the water, bracing for pain that doesn't come. Whilst the surprise on his face should make me laugh, I can hardly feel a thing. My brain shuts down all my sensing, all energy redirecting to ignore any distractions. Like a duel, this is life or death. The cracking of our glowsticks bounces off the stone walls of the reservoir. This time we don't need to search for our entrance.  

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