Authors note

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The more this book gets recognised the more controversial opinions get thrown around. I love hearing all of your thoughts and opinions on the situations and issues that occur within this book. But as the author, I would just like to say a few things which might help remind you/explain some things.

Elias, one of the protagonists in this book, is the adopted son of Silas' family since he was born. Due to this, he feels like he needs to do no wrong. He is also the beta of Silas' pack and has known all his life he would take up this position. And this position holds some importance to him. Finding out that he is mates with Ryder has thrown his whole life, and what he has thought of his future, away. Not to mention, he has spent most of his life disliking Ryder due to the rivalry between the packs. Not only that but Elias hasn't even came out to anyone.

Evidently, it is not surprising Elias' is confused and hesitant on wanting to throw everything away and potentially ruin his friendships/relationships with his family and the pack.

I also want to point out that consent is a huge thing for both Elias and Ryder, which it should be. The situation that occurs significantly impacts the both of them because neither were able to consent to what happened. Again, no wonder they were both struggling.

Reminder that nothing is black or white in this book.

I am not saying that all Elias' actions are just, and of course he could have handled the situation better/differently, but let me remind you, this is a BOOK and completely fictional. If everything was handled right away and there was no drama or suspense it would be boring.

Also, we all make mistakes in life and handle situations in worse ways than we could've.

I think I've said everything I've needed to. But hope this reminds/explains some things that people find annoying/frustrating, etc.

Anyways, again, thank you to everyone for reading this story and continuing to read it. It means heaps to me and I hope you find some enjoyment out of it <3

The next chapter will be completed by next week, since I have my last exam in exactly a weeks time which is will determine if I fail/pass the unit.

...Let's hope that I do.

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