【 poison! 】Chapter 8

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The group was traveling through the forest as (Y/n) and Rin were sitting on Ah-Un when Rins stomach grumbled and she put a hand to her stomach. Though (Y/n) was in deep deep thought and looked anxious.

"Lord Sesshomaru, I'm starting to get hungry. May I go and find something to eat?" Rin asked, breaking his thoughts.

"Quite a forest like this will have nothing for you to eat, you'll just have to wait!" Jaken shouted.

"Shut up Jaken, she's a child and a human! Now hurry along Rin and be quick." (Y/n) pointed at him bitterly then looked at Rin gently helping her down off of Ah-Un.

"I don't want to hear-" Jaken was interrupted.

"I'll be very quick my lords!" She said to (Y/n) and Sesshomaru running into the forest.

"You come right back Rin!" Jaken shouted.

"Jaken. Let her be." Jaken was shocked but kept quiet. (Y/n) smirked at him and sent a butterfly to watch over Rin. (Y/n) then turned to a direction in the south and Sesshomaru noticed.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Inuyasha is very close by..." Sesshomaru looked to the side annoyed and (Y/n) smiled.

"Do not worry we are far enough our paths won't cross." (Y/n) said, looking back at him letting a butterfly fly onto his cheek giving Sesshomaru a butterfly kiss. Sesshomaru's eyes widened and he quickly looked away as (Y/n) covered his small laugh with his long sleeve as he noticed Sesshomaru's ears were pinkish.

All of a sudden they heard Rin scream and Sesshomaru quickly sprung to action, (Y/n) rushing closely behind him. Rin had a giant Green arm holding her in the air, Sesshomaru cut the arm off and she screamed falling down but (Y/n) caught her in his arms. As jaken praised Sesshomaru.

"Are you alright Rin?" (Y/n) asked.

"Yes Lord (Y/n)!" Rin said but (Y/n) became confused. She called him Lord. Actually, she's been doing that very often ever since he took her place in the kidnapping.

All of a sudden the arm turned into poisonous insects, the same ones controlled by Naraku.

"Saimyosho! Naraku's poisonous insects!" Jaken shouted as the bugs clumped together in a mob.

"(Y/n), Rin Stay back and out of the way. That Naraku left behind some annoying vermin." Sesshomaru commanded as (Y/n) picked up Rin and covered her so she wouldn't get bitten. The bugs formed back into a green arm and sesshomaru lifted his blade. "Jaken there should be a hive located nearby." Sesshomaru commanded and Jaken agreed to find it. (Y/n) held Rin close as Sesshomaru fought the arm with his blade, slicing it once more in half.

"(Y/n), use your branches to help Jaken look!" Rin exclaimed and (Y/n) just looked at her with furrowed brows and bit his lower lip anxiously. The group of insects buzzed away while Jaken and Rin looked for them.

"Jaken." Sesshomaru demanded results on the task he was given. (Y/n)'s butterfly flew to a tree and it caught Rins eye the Hive was on that tree.

"Look master Jaken, that's it!" she pointed to the hive. (Y/n) and Jaken then saw Saimyosho coming towards them.

"Rin!" (Y/n) shouted as He ducked Rin's head down as he heard Jaken unleash the flames of the two headed staff above them, burning half of them but (Y/n)'s hand was slightly simmered too.

"Rin, keep your head down. (Y/n), why aren't you helping me with those branches!" Jaken shouted but (Y/n) only bit the nail to his thumb in embarrassment. More Saimyosho came out of the hive and (Y/n) summoned a horde of butterflies to fight them off as he protected Rin with his body.

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