1.9 - The big A building

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"2012!" I said to myself. This is not good, i am loosing control of my powers, this is not supposed to be happening, I need to work on them, but the only people that can help me have banished me. "Are you going to pay for that?" An old man at the newspaper stand asked me. "Uhm, yeah" I replied and started to look through my pockets for some change. "Here" I said and left with the paper in hand. As I walked down the same, yet different streets a thought hit me, 'Tony' he must have thought that I stood him up, everything is just so messed up. Also I usually go places that I think of in time, so how come that I went forward in time than back, it doesn't makes sense.

I finally got tired and decided to sit down on a bench to rest my feet. As I tilted my head back on the cold brick wall, I looked out on the Manhattan skyline. It was gorgeous, but one building caught my attention. A huge building, with an A on the side. It felt familiar, I picked the newspaper up and flipped through the pages until I got to the page with the building, the big A building on one side and a picture of a group of weirdly dressed people. I only skimmed through the text, but I understood that there are heroes that just saved the city from an alien invasion. That's kinda cool. Maybe they are why I'm here, maybe they can hel... I stoped my own thoughts as I saw one of the heroes in the picture, can it be? I would recognize that star spangled suit anywhere, it's Steve!

I started running toward the large building. This explains it, I was thinking of going to the time and place where Steve was still alive and over water, and somehow he made it! And he ended up here, in this timeline!

After a lot of wrong turns and missed leading directions, I finally made it to the front door of the building. I don't know what I was going to be faced with in there, they are probably going to be weirded out because of the stranger just running in there, saying she know Steve from 1942.
I opened the doors and got into a large lobby, with a lot of people walking around, looking important. I head to the front desk, but as I stood there I lost the words, I don't know what I'm asking for, my head just says the first thing that comes to mind "do you know where to find Steve?", the man at the reception looked at me confused "there is a lot of Steve's in the building" he answered. "Well, captain America" I then said, hoping he still had the same alias, he had back then.
"Well yes, I know where to find him" he then said happy. "Oh that's great! Where?" I said exited. " I know where but I can't tell you, that is classified, I'm sorry". I can't be angry, of course he couldn't just tell me where he was, but a part of me really thought he would. This is not gonna stop me from getting to him though, he must be here somewhere, otherwise I have no clue where to look. I will not leave until I have searched this building, I just need to get past the reception.

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