Chapter 48

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After we finished writing our exams on Tuesday, Scott and I are heading home when we saw Karen and Tobi in front of their hostel. Maria had told me the night before that she was taking some days off from work to prepare for her last papers.

I am surprised and relieved to see her with Tobi, indicating that she had made up with her. They are having a conversation while seated on the concrete bench that is located in front of their hostel, shaded by a tree.

As I drive by them, I ponder if this is the best moment to meet her. I pull over and continue to look in their way. She and her pal are having a good time.

"Are you certain you want to meet her?" Scott questions me, noticing I am disturbed.

I sigh deeply as I attempt to make sense of the situation with Scott. I think I should talk to her straight away.

"I'll be right back," I tell him and I start to unbuckle my seat belt. I get out of the car and look in their direction, only to find Nicholas walking toward them.

He's actually closer to them than I am. 
I just stand there, leaning against my car, staring at him.

My mouth drops open in surprise as  Ren rises to her feet to hug him on the side.

Exactly like that? I'm curious if they were previously together or if they are just now.

This gives me the pits as I'm so incredibly envious and helpless to stop it. Tobi stands up to shake hands with him, then walks away from them, toward the front entrance.

I notice these two smiling as they make their way to the concrete seat.

I couldn't keep my eyes off them and as Nicholas' eyes abruptly drifted to mine, I quickly averted my gaze.

I get back into the car, upset to see them together.

"That must be Nicholas," Scott responds, and I nod yes while remaining silent.

He continues, "I think he resides in my hostel,"

I nod in agreement as I recall the night I gave Ren a ride home after discovering Nicholas's affair with Tobi.

"So, what are you up to now?" He inquires. I sigh deeply, tipping my head back.

"Nothing, I screwed up," I respond. Along with what my father did to hers, I also add, "Maybe I don't deserve her, and I should let go."

I'm curious about what would happen if she learned about that.

"She obviously doesn't want anything serious with you, which is why she went back to her ex," He mumbles, and I'm speechless.

My phone suddenly alerts me to a text message from an unknown number, and I check it.

The message states,

I've got her back now.

Knowing it's Nicholas, I scoff slightly. He even had the guts to message me after getting my contact.

This irritates me more than anything else.

I start the car to drop Scott off at his hostel before returning home to confront dad. Before I knew what else to do, all I wanted was to make things right between Ren's father and mine.


After a meager knock on dad's door when I get home,  I storm into his study. 

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