Chapter 33: Set in Motion

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Dutch crept out of the Palace into the night, tail twitching nervously.

He gave a small 'caw caw!' and anxiously waited, mentally facepalming for how stupid the cawing thing was, mentally facepalming himself for the cawing thing.

A red panda leapt from the trees and to the Forest floor, scurrying to Dutch's paws.

"Dutch?" she asked.

Dutch nodded. "Are you Bamboo?"

The red panda nodded.

"What's the report?"

"Thorn is alright and safe. We have four days, but the bracelets will be in by morning. We're going to pull the old switcheroo, his words, not mine. He says Peace is coming. Also, take this and pass it on. It's Equity's medallion. Tell them we found her, she's mind controlled. Pirate's plan is to burn the Village with the Jickeys inside and use her to start the flames," Dutch said.

Bamboo nodded. "Got it."

"When will the Saviors get the message?" Dutch asked.

"They're camped out at Mount Juliet, the old abandoned mountain where the Jickeys lived all that time ago. They should get the message in a little over four hours, if we all move as fast as possible," Bamboo explained.Mount Juliet was at least a day and a half's walk away, so four hours was remarkable."How many of you are there?" Dutch asked, suddenly factoring in how much this was.

"Alot," Bamboo said simply. "I've got to get going, I'll meet you back here the same time tomorrow. Sound good?"

Dutch nodded, and with that, Bamboo was back in the trees and disappeared into the foliage.

Dutch felt a lump in his throat and a swelling of hope and pride but also sorrow in his chest.

It's the right thing, he told himself until it felt true.

He hurried back inside and his claws clicked on the floors back to Thorn's room. He gave a quick tap on the door and Thorn opened it.

"Message delivered, it should get to the Saviors in a little over four hours. They've set up camp on Mount Juliet," Dutch reported with a small, giddy grin.

Thorn's heart pounded with anticipation. "This is really it. We're actually going to do this. Holy Nether. This is so much."

He laughed and flopped on the bed, Dutch flopping next to him, both staring at the Stars.

They laid like that for a little while, in a comfortable silence. Then Dutch giggled.

"You know, it's kind of ironic. If this had been anyone else about 85 years ago, Pirate would've been the first to initiate this. He was like that, very insightful and very strong and brave. Bossy, but it was always because he cared and knew what he was doing. I wonder where that Coyote went, and who replaced him with the horrible monster he's turned into."

Thorn laughed too, despite himself. "I can't even imagine how hard this is for you. Stars, if the roles were reversed and it was Feather who turned psycho... I don't think I could do it. I love her to the Moons and back."

"I'll be okay," Dutch said simply. "It'll take time, but then one day I'll be okay."

"I know you will, you're strong," Thorn told him.

Dutch laughed, stretching out before getting up. "You should probably get some sleep now, and I shouldshould get back to Pirate before he notices I'm gone. I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"

Thorn nodded and Dutch waved, silently leaving the room.

Thorn stretched out all over, curling up on the comfy bed. The sheets were a deep, berry red and heavenly soft. The frame itself was made of pine, beautifully carven with intricate plant detailing.

Thorn then realized that Dutch said around 85 years ago, and he looked... Well, really, only about 10 or so. Odd, very odd.

But then again, Pirate had a lot of power. It wouldn't surprise Thorn if Pirate had found a way to make the two of them live forever and still look youthful.

Thorn laid on the big, cushy bed, and his thoughts drifted to his found family, as he was calling the Saviors.

He wondered what they were doing and how they were feeling. He hoped they'd gotten the message by now.

He missed them.

He missed the sound of Acorn's charcoal pencil on her paper. He missed the sound of Moss's giggle. He missed Equity's dumb jokes. He missed the calm rising and falling of Sage's chest while she slept. He missed the way Feather looked at each of them, with that look of motherly pride. He flapped his wings and pressed himself up against the glass ceiling, looking to the endless abyss of Starlight above him.

It was a remarkably clear night, and he could see everything the Universe had to offer.

He pressed his pawpads to the glass, and for a little while he was completely oblivious to everything, it was just him and the Stars.

He pressed his forehead to the glass and that adorable, contagious smile of his poured onto his lips.

"Goodnight, guys," he said, and for some reason, he felt that his found family heard it.

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