TJI 5: Mad Fangirling [2] ♡

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As requested by squishsquishsquishy and VictoriaLarkin (ily) I will continue this chap!

130 reads! I know that's not a biggie, BUT DATS DAYUMMMM HUGE FOR ME

~ Meh

It's the third of August, the day before you meet your idols.
When you go to step out of bed, your foot gets caught and you tumble to the floor.

Ugh, I hate the floor. But nobody can ruin my special day. You think with a smile, getting up only to trip over again.

When you go downstairs, your Mum is already changed and ready to go. You smoothly grab your Mums keys off the table and leave the house.
Then you turn around.

"Yeah, why are you coming?" You say to your surprised Mum.

"Well, I don't want you to be alone on this special day."

"I guess." You shrug it off and unlock the doors to your car.

"Oh no, I'm driving." She smiles and snatches the keys off you.

"Why not me?"

"Well, there is plenty of reasons but the most likely is that you'll get a heart attack."

"What're you talking about?"

"You'll get a heart attack 'cause you're meeting Theo James."

"True." You laugh and open the passenger side door to ride shotgun.

The drive was silent, with only some small talk.
Soon, you arrived at this fancy looking building.

"Okay, so here is what's going to happen: You're going to meet Shailene Woodley first and then you'll meet Theo. Is that okay?" Your Mum asks you while you two walk inside. It's spacious and nicely decorated, with a beige colour scheme.


"Okay, let's go!"

* Page break - Meeting Shailene and Theo *

"Hi! I'm Shailene, what's your name?" The one and only Shai asks me when she's finished with talking to another fan.

ERMAGHERD ITS SHAILENE JDNDBCHSUISOWKSMXMNAJWKOSOXOOQLSKJDNVNFBTNEUIQKAKXJXNNENWNSHXHHDHSCHSBCAEVUKVFSKRSVUKBSRUVBADUKBVBAEVIUARHJDBBDBSCYAEBCJACEHCBHBCUIEBciubaeciubaecubauebciaeubaruifhfiubdFbbrahkbfhkaebfkhaefbkauefbkuaebfkfkjefbfhebfbfbdbbfbbbffbfbsubcubwcnndqndimidqniqdnowmcomacmcindvutgnunvtinqdijonibvysbxyjqbyisgyiqbsqbduiqbsuiqbdhkbsckubouqchuowbcuoecuiebvkuebckubksubcuksbcudcudbsjsjsjiwjsjsksjsjsjksksisjsiisisisowskmsnxnxisiiaksksksjkskskkskskskskskskskksksksksjsjsjjsjsjsjsjskoqoqoaijdwchchdchduhccdidsxxkqkz jnnfunjdnjimmsl,s,omsimiddnuhbcyrbdjdjsjjsjjaanajjqjqjqjjqjqjjjqjqjqjqjqjqjqjqj bc do bcbbgcvhsvcvhhchscbhsbhbcbcchabcjbanisncibsciscubsvbukusrufaeufukaefgueagfuoefguoeafgofiqeipgqefgeqppiegqfpugfeqpqepqpaepeapepifpiaepifihfpaepahehpuefhipurahfuodafuadvuchduach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Once you are finished with your invisible spaz, you answer her.

"I'm y/n! I can't believe I'm meeting you in real life! I love you so much!" You gush.

She laughs her laugh. And then she hugs you.

"I love you too!" She says and smiles warmly back.

"I think it's time for you to meet Theo now." She says after a minute of friendly chatting.


"Wow, you're enthusiastic!" She laughs.

"Well, you two are my idols so it's pretty hard not to be excited." You say with a huge grin.

You start to exaggerate the situation more than you should.

I'm going to meet Theo James, you think, I'M GONNA MEET THEO JAMES!

"Hello." A familiar British voice says.


You turn and face him, and you are struck by how amazing his eyes are.

"Hi! I mean, ahem, hey." You say coolly.

He just laughs.

"Really ecstatic to meet me, huh?"

"Of course!"

"Well, I gotta go now, but-"

"So soon?!" You cut him off.

"Yes, but-"

"Are you sure?!" You cut him off again.

"But I will give you my number."

There is the chapter the two of you were waiting for!

Ugh, what am I doing with my life? It's so bad /•-•\

Comment: :) to let me know you want 'Mad Fangirling' to continue!

I love all my readers xxx

~ Meh

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