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i decided that i'd try out for the quidditch team as a chaser, draco was so proud when he found out and showered me with his kisses. i was so excited to try out for quidditch.

i've seen draco's quidditch matches so many times and now i could do those quidditch matches with him without having to watch him fly on a broom stick chasing after a golden ball with wings.

one day we had a match against the hufflepuffs and we were surely to win. i was passing the quaffle and somehow i was learning pretty good.

i was about to catch another quaffle, when i saw buldger hit draco straight in the head and fell off of his broom. i sat there on my broom looking down at his unconscious body that was on the ground. 

then something rolled out of his hands and i knew it was the snitch.


the crowd roared with applause and i screamed and cried of joy.

lee: but it looks like i took a bad fall. someone come and take him to the hospital wing please?

i was i about to come down when a buldger must've hit my head and i fell from my broom and the applause turned into gasps. i kept falling and falling and falling until everything went black.

all i could hear were people screaming my name and people rushing over to check on me and the last thing i saw was draco lying on the ground next to me unconscious.


daphne: is he going to be alright?

theodore: i dunno, he fell 6 meters from his broom.

pansy: well what about fifi? she took a bad fall too.

astoria: *gasp* everyone shut up! i think draco's waking up!

i opened my eyes and found myself in the hospital wing.

i sat up and rubbed my eyes and saw my friends around my hospital bed.

blaise: hey bro, how're you feeling?

draco: *groans* my head, it hurts.

pansy: of course it does, it's a not a random ball.

adrian: we were so worried thinking you wouldn't wake up.

draco: did we win?

astoria: yup. the snitch rolled out of your hand when you were still unconscious.

draco: sweet!

adrian: yeah i know, good save mate.

i look to my right and i see serafina laying on the bed next to me with a bandage on her head and unconscious.

draco: sefi!

i tried to get up from my bed, but blaise held me back on the bed.

blaise: whoa whoa whoa, easy there mate! you're still recovering.

draco: but i don't understand what happened to her?

daphne: well she was about to come down to check on you when the buldger hit her on the head and she fell from her broom.

pansy: we may or may not have seen blood coming out of her skull.

adrian: but we were able to get her here on time for madam pomfrey to bandage her head.

astoria: yeah, otherwise she would've died from blood loss.

i stayed silent as i stared at her with a sad look. those stupid buldgers could've killed her, but thank god her head was bandaged on time. she looked so peaceful when her eyes were closed.

blaise: don't worry mate, she'll be alright.

daphne: she's a strong woman, she'll manage.

astoria: i've seen her do many crazy things, i know she'll wake up from this crazy head trauma.

madam pomfrey: *comes running in* oh mr. malfoy, thank heavens you're awake.

madam pomfrey comes in with some medicine and puts it on the side table and pours some medicine into the small cup.

madam pomfrey: here drink this, it's gonna be bitter but it'll help with the pain.

i drink the medicine and it tasted like shit, then madam pomfrey walked over to serafina's table. she opens serafina's mouth and pours in the medicine in her mouth.

madam pomfrey: the poor dear had to take a terrible fall, such horrible buldgers they are.

my friends left and i had to stay and rest for the whole week, but blaise kept me updated and helped me study.


i woke up to find myself in the hospital wing.

i looked at the clock and it was 1 o' clock in the morning.

i felt scared and lonely because it was so dark, but then i saw draco sleeping on the bed next to mine.

my head started to hurt; it was like i was getting stabbed in the head, so i got up and went over to draco's bed.

i got under the covers and was about to lay down, but then i heard him call me by the name he calls me.

draco: sefi... my darling sefi...

he rubbed his pointer finger against his thumb which made me wonder what he was dreaming about. i kissed his cheek and that's when he slowly started to open his eyes.

draco: *in a raspy voice* se- sefi?

serafina: *smiles*

he sat up and rubbed his eyes and took a closer look at me, he then caressed my cheek and i swore i saw a tear escape his eye.

draco: my darling... *hugs her*

serafina: dray... *hugs him back*

draco: thank merlin you're awake *kisses her forehead* i thought you weren't going to wake up.

serafina: and i'm glad that you're ok. *rests her head on his chest*

draco: hey... *lifts her chin up and kisses her lips* i missed those emerald green eyes of yours.

serafina: and i missed those icy grey eyes of yours.

draco: *chuckles* and i missed holding you like this.

draco then pulls me in for a kiss which made me melt into the kiss pretty quickly. he gently lies down with me still in his arms and breaks the kiss.

serafina: draco.

draco: yes love?

serafina: how long was i unconscious for?

draco: a whole week.

serafina: ok, i love you dray.

draco: i love you to sefi.

we cuddled for the rest of the night until we fell asleep.

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