Chapter 5: History and Adoption

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Heyo, at 50k words on Vivian Prologue.

-CONTENT WARNING- This chapter includes violent content from FNAF lore, adapted into literature. 

Word count is like 2000+

Anyway, please join my discord if you wanna talk about this or make suggestions:


Charlie's pov: 

I lost control of the barrier holding my aura in, and stood up. 'Tell me what is going on!' 

"Calm down, dear. Calm down." Sarah stood up and grabbed onto my shoulders. "You'll hurt someone doing that." 

Sammy started coughing violently and almost fell off the couch next to me. 

I immediately pulled my aura back in. 'S-sorry..' 

Fuze had started actively sweating. "I don't think I'd be able to.. It is a good thing this room has wards and is magically reinforced.." 

"Yeah, she has more kick than I was expecting.. Might have been a bad idea to bring her right here." Sarah laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of her neck. She stepped back from me. "Alright Charlie, I believe.. most of your story. I want you to explain everything though." 

"What is going on?" Sammy had gotten back up again. 

"Well, I brought Charlie here to explain what happened to her. Otherworlders occasionally appear near strong monsters and turn into majin. That is what I expect happened." Sarah got a serious expression, and turned to me. "Please be honest."

I turned my thoughts private. 'I don't wanna talk about that.. I am thinking about it anyway though... I explained how to use the animatronics to them.. maybe I could?' I questioned my skill. 

'Alright then.. I guess memories can be shared through Though Communication... Who though?'

I turned to Sammy. 'I trust her the most.. But she is too young for this..' 

I turned to Fuze. 'I don't really know him.. Can't trust him with this yet..' 

Finally I turned to Sarah. 'I suppose.. I can only share it with her..' I sighed internally, and engaged Though Communication again. 'Sarah.. I don't want Sammy to hear about it. It is a lot. So.. Can I share the experience with you?.. Privately?.. I don't want to talk about it..' 

Sarah's eyes gazed into me for some time, before she looked away and sighed. "I understand. I can handle it, whatever it is." 

I closed my eyes tightly, and pulled my aura away from Sammy, and Fuze, trying to cut off the Thought Communication from them. 

Only once I was certain did I start thinking about it again. 


A birthday party, Evan's birthday party. Uncle Will had gone all out for it, he had spent extra to make sure both Fredbear and Spring Bonnie were working. 

Michael was still chasing Evan around in that dumb Foxy the Fox mask. 

Michael's friends bullied Evan a lot, "Pipsqueak!" Michael got angry at the younger boy easily, couldn't control his temper. 

They all picked up Evan, and forcefully carried him to the stage. 

I just watched from the corner, I couldn't really stop them even if I wanted. 

Evan was shaking and crying, those tears. God those tears. 

"Give a kiss to Freddy, Evan!" 

"Wait!" I wasn't fast enough. 

They lifted Evan's head into the jaws of the animatronic. 

Those tears, they made the springlocks go off. 

I remembered what Dad said, get them wet and they snap closed. 

Evan's skull was cracked open when the animatronic's jaws snapped over them, a sickening crunch. 



Father put a new robot in the diner, a security robot. A Marionette. It has a white mask with blush and a plastered smile. 

Whenever I am at the diner I have to wear a wristband so it knows where I am, so it can help if anything happens. 

It was all Dad could do to console Uncle Will after the accident. No one liked talking about it, and Uncle Will had become a recluse. 

Some younger kid left their plushie out in the rain, and I go out to pick it up for them. 

When I get back to the door, it has been locked. I try at the handle several times but it won't budge. 

The kids in the window start laughing at me. 

They don't open it after minutes, and I start getting worried. 

It is very cold outside.. 

I started crying and pulling at the door frantically. 

They just kept laughing. 

The gravelly sound of a car pulling up behind me, I glance back to see Uncle Will's Chevy. 

He gets out of the car and holds his hand out over his brow to see through the rain, "That you, Charlie?" 

"Uncle Will?" I turned around and walked over to him. 

"What happened?" 

"They.. locked me out.." I started pouting. 

Uncle sighs, and looked around to the alley next to the Diner. "Well, I don't got the front keys, but I do got em for he kitchen. Let's go around back." He started fiddling with his key ring. 

"O-ok.." I wiped off my cheeks despite the rain getting them wet again anyway. 

Uncle Will stopped his car and lead me out into the alleyway. 

I ran to the back door and waited for him to catch up. After a few minutes, I got worried and looked back. "Uncle Will?.." 

The man was suddenly very close to me, with a sad smile on his face. "It really should have been you.. Why'd Evan have to?.." He looked away. "Henry needs to learn his lesson.." 

"W-what ar-" 

A suddenly splitting cold cut into my throat. 

"Sorry.. You really don't deserve.." Uncle's eyes went wide, and he backed away. He dropped the knife. Then he ran away, ran out of the alleyway. 

He left me there. 

My chest burned and my head started spinning. I fell to my knees, before I lost those from under me too. 

"U-Uncle.. W-Will?.." Everything went black. 


I don't know how much time has past, I couldn't feel anything. 

Not darkness, nothing. I couldn't explain it. 

Even more time passed. I started getting desperate. I didn't want to be stuck here. I wanted to see Dad. I wanted to go back to the Diner. 

I didn't want to go. 

I reached out, as hard as I could. 

Then recoiled back in pain, as I felt a cracking a tearing pain throughout myself. 

Then I noticed some feeling of things around me, faintly. 

I disregarded the pain and started reaching out again. Past the agonizing tearing and cracking. I latched onto the first thing I could. 

The security robot. I held onto it as tightly as I could. If I stayed with it, maybe Dad would find me. Maybe I'd be safe.. 

Even more time passed as I stayed with the puppet. Clinging to it so tightly, I couldn't even tell myself apart from it eventually. 

I was the puppet now. 

Finally I got a sudden rush of information, the diner around me. I could see the box I was inside. I could see the party room. 

The stage. 


Evan was inside of Fredbear. I could recognize him, as a faint glowing ball inside the metal. 


Sarah turned away suddenly, and vomited on the floor. 

I stopped broadcasting my thoughts, and pulled away. 

Sammy rushed to her side. "What happened?!" 

Sarah sat back up, and rubbed her mouth off on her sleeve. "N-nothing happened.. Not to me.." She began shaking in visible rage. 

"Can you explain?" Fuze leaned forward with his shoulders on his desk. 

"That bastard.. His son.. You.. He killed.." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "How long has it been.. since.. That." 

I took a moment to cool off, then reached out to all of them with my thoughts again. 'Around a hundred years... I am not sure, actually.' 

"And you still remember it that vividly?" Sarah sighed and turned to Fuze. 

"Are you certain what you just saw wasn't a fabrication." Fuze stared skeptically. 

Sarah pushed Sammy's arm off her shoulder, walked up to Fuze, and smacked him across the face. "NO! Of course not.. Not something that.. Visceral and vivid. I've seen monsters fabricate thoughts before." 

Fuze went wide eyed for a moment and felt his cheek. Then turned away. "If you. Alright. I'll trust you. We will still nee-" 

"No. No offering her a deal to keep her secret. This girl needs a family and a normal life.. After that." Sarah slammed her hand down on Fuze's desk. "I can't let her go off yet." 

'W-wait.. There are others like me.. I need to find them.' I took a few steps forward. 

"More.. Children?.." Sarah scowled and was shaking again. 

'... Yes..' 

"Fuze. I am leaving retirement, in a month." Sarah didn't even wait for his response and just found a paper on his desk to start filling out. 

"What about your family?" Fuze stood up.

Sarah paused, and turned back to Sammy. "Sammy is old enough to come with me. Can you enroll the other three in the school? Henry will need the help." 

Fuze sighed, and plopped back in his chair. "I'll start filling things out." 

Sarah turned back around to Sammy. "I'll need your help here. Charlie trusts you more, if you conversation last night was any indication." Then Sarah turned to me. "You said one of them is probably in Blumund, right?" 

"The fox kobold girl, the really frail one. I said she looked like Charlie through magic sight, and Charlie said she felt someone in the city through her skill." Sammy spoke for me. 

'I'd like to speak with her..' I thought to Fuze, even if it was rude to talk past the other two. 

Fuze leaned back and sighed. "More headache.. You are talking about Emy, right?" 

'Emy!?' I only knew one girl called that, and she certainly fit the bill of a fox, unfortunately. 

"Well, that is telling. I am not sure it would be wise to let you see her. She has a rare condition, normally one only summons have. Exposure to the aura of a monster may make it worse." Fuze spoke firm, and stared at me. "I can let you see her, from a distance. So long as you can control your aura." 

"Can you tell us anything more about her? Her past?" Sarah sat down and was already close to finishing up her sheet. 

"Her parents brought her here out of the Jura forest, as the aura of the Storm Dragon was causing her condition to worsen. She has been taken in by the Free Guild Academy, Blumund Branch. She is known to have night terror, and speak vaguely about metal monsters." Fuze counted on his fingers while listing facts. 

'That all sounds..' 

"That does sound like those robots in your memories, animatronics? Right Charlie?.." Sarah turned to me. 


"And your current body.. It is just like the one you.." 


Sarah sighed. "So I am going to take a guess and say that if the others were animal themed like the two on that stage, she was inside one that was like a fox?" 


"Charlie. You keep repeating the same yes over and over again." Sammy was poking me now. 

'Are you trying to.. Make a joke?'

"The rest of you are too serious! And I still don't know what is going on." Sammy pressed her hand to her forehead. "I am not having a fever dream, right?" 

"Everything your mother does when she gets determined will resemble one." Fuse sighed again, now almost covered in paperwork he was sorting through. 

"Charlie has been through a lot, dear. She has experienced things no child like her should." Sarah stood up and started gathering up our baskets, casually lifting both easily. 

'I am not a-' 

"Being inside some metal contraption for decades inside a restaurant doesn't count as growing up." Sarah turned to me and glared  in a motherly way. 

'I spent a lot of that time in a garbage yard though!' I only realized a moment later that didn't help my case. 

Sarah huffed and turned away. "I am going to need to give you every part of your childhood you missed over the next month.." 

Sammy poked me again. "You are now my little sister then. I was thinking you were more mature than me, but clearly  not." She pat my head a few times. "Can you finally take off the cloak?" 

'Umm.. I guess..' 


-2017 words- 

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