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"Hitomu-san, do you know what the original promise was?" 

The sudden question caught them off guard, making them look up toward the small girl huddled on the couch. Upon noticing the unnatural expression present on their face, she squirmed, quietly pressing herself against a pillow. "I-I'm sorry!" she quickly exclaimed. "I shouldn't have asked that-that!!" 

"It's fine." They said, closing the book they had in hand and setting it on the table. " I was just... surprised by the inquiry. Where did you hear about this promise?"

"I... I heard it from Shirayuki-san and... and Shinonome-san." she said, fidgeting with her dress. "I heard them taking about something yesterday... I was curious so I... I listened..."

"There's no need to cower Yume-chan." They had said, making their way up from the table to sit beside the young child. "There's no fault of being curious, it is vital for young minds like yours to develop. Yet being nosy on other people's private manners often results in adverse situations, it is better if you avoid snooping around."

"Sor.. sorry..."

An offhanded wave. "No matter. I shall answer your question. The right to know the truth of the promise is within your blood."

"Because the four families took part in the promise... And I'm part of one of those four families." She looked at the blond, in her eyes was slight reluctance. "Right...?"

They nodded. "Indeed. There are 3 promises. The four families took the first promise to help the common people during a time of great need. Overtime, their last names became one with period of time they were tasked to oversee. Yoisaki hunted the predators lurking in the shadows of night. Shinonome helped the metamorphosis of a body during their waking at the brink of dawn. Asahina is in charge of all beings kissed by the daylight. Yuyami provided rest to those who stayed and protection to those who wished to venture beyond dusk. This was the burden each family must take, as well as the generation following them, hence the second promise; that each family and their kin shall always remain faithful to the origin of their blood. In other words, to never neglect the first promise that was made."

She frowned. "Is there a punishment if... For example, one of the members of the family doesn't follow the second promise?"

"That choice is decided by the head of the current family." They said, now combing the hair of the young girl with their fingers. She leaned slightly toward their touch. "They shall be the one to dictate what happens to their kin."

"Huh... But then, what is the third promise?"

Silence ensued. They continued to play with her hair. It took the blonde 5 full minutes before they could reply. "It was lost to time."


"The promise was written on a red-edged scroll, but the scroll had burned down, along with the Asahina residence it was said to be stored in. Nobody really knows the contents of the scroll, as it was never passed down orally. Though the only thing that still remains with us is the rumors of the third promise existing. Undoubtedly the third promise is one of great importance, yet not a single mention of it in the four family records exist. The only reason why a third promise is said to have existed is because of the old record of the families announcing their vows, mentioning three instead of two."

They had managed to make a decent braid. The only problem was the lack of a tie to hold it together. They didn't want her efforts to go to waste, so they asked. "Do you have a scrunchie?"

"Um yeah..." She handed the scrunchie in her pocket to the blond, who set to tie her hair in place. Once she felt its completion, she jumped up and ran forward to the nearest mirror.

"It's surprisingly good..." She mumbled.

The blond raised a brow. "Surprisingly?"

She flinched "T-the last time you tied my hair Gojo-san saw it... He asked me if I was the one who did my hair... I told him it was you... and he... and he suddenly started laughing with tears in his eyes..." 

"I see..." Despite the stoic expression remaining on their face, she could tell they had rather hateful comments they plan to spew toward the albino forming in their head. With that thought, she was rather worried about the next interaction the two adults would have. She could already imagine how it would play out...

A sigh pulled her out of her daydream of thought. "Well, anyways. Some are still trying to unravel the mystery of this third promise. Some, for the future development of the families, and others do it to plan its downfall." they continued.

"...What do you think the third promise is?" 

They stared blankly at the young girl. "I have not a clue." 

"E-eh?! But Hitomu-san! You're a detective right? You must have at least an idea of it!" 

"I'm afraid that even I do not know the answer."


The young girl stared at the blonde's face. She could tell they were lying. From the number of times she had spent with them. But she let it pass by, it would seem that Hitomu was no longer interested in continuing the discussion. Though one question had still stuck with her, caused by the spilt of the moment expression seen the moment she asked about the promise: 

'Is the third promise really that bad?'

• ►「nukunukunounknown」


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