Ch 629: Get A Lot of Inspiration

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Mostima attacked her own kind.

That thought ran around in his mind as he was sitting on the bed of his room. Lin Ye kept on recalling what Diana had told him a few hours ago.

What she told them was something that made him rack his mind now. Although it was dark, Lin Ye could not find the will to go to sleep yet.

The Law.

That was what Diana told him that made Mostima who she was now. Although Lin Ye did not know much of the Law he did know that it was the reason for what Sanktas were like now.


That was what the Angels called when they could literally feel what other Angels feel emotional.


Their affinity for using Arts made them able to use guns.

They were related to this Law.

Although what Diana told him made sense, there was something that made him scratch his head when thinking about it.

When Sanktas fell, they just lost all that made them Angels in the first place.

No Gun Arts.

No Halo and Wings.

No Empathy.

Although rare to happen, that was what the document he read said about the process of a Sankta falling.

There seemed to be something amiss with all of this.

From what he understood, Sanktas just lost their Angel traits when they fell.

Mostima gained Sarkaz's trait instead.

That was not normal even in Fallen's standard.

That was the other thing that Diana said to him came in.

A so-called demon.


It was the reason why Mostima had devil horns and a tail.

Just as he was about to think more about this, he felt something poking at his cheek.

Lin Ye stopped thinking and glanced to his side. He was greeted by the sight of Nian pouting at him while poking him in the cheek with a pen. She was resting on his bed as she was doing this.

"Gege..." She drawled out, "I'm bored!"

Lin Ye raised a brow at her. Then a soft laugh escaped from his lips. Placing his hand on top of Nian's head, Lin Ye lightly petted her. Although Nian still was bored, at least her face softened when he did this.

"Sorry Nian. Can't really help you with that," Lin ye hummed and came up with an idea, "How about writing a draft about your story?"

This only made Nian groan.

"I can't, Gege!" She whined at him, "I don't have any inspiration! That's the problem!"

Lin Ye chuckled at her complaining. He then realized something and lightly narrowed his eyes on her.

"Just curious, why are you in my room?" Lin Ye asked, "Just so you know, you do have your own bedroom in this hotel."

This question confused Nian. She stopped poking him and flopped on her back on his bed. Her eyes glanced at him.

"Why are you asking me this, Gege?" Nian turned her body to face him. She chuckled at him, "Don't we always sleep together before? This is normal."


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