Just Friends - Howard Stark

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This chapter is one I wrote for 'Broken' but I wrote a different version. I hope you enjoy it but it won't really make sense. If you haven't read 'Broken', which at this point isn't out completely, this is sort of a sneak peak.

So please enjoy!!!!!!


*3rd person*

Y/n and Howard eventually met up for lunch, after days and days of Peggy's manipulation, everyone saw and believed they would make a great couple...Howard and Y/n didn't see each other in that way, only as best friends.

"You know, I think Peggy wants us together." Howard said settling down from all the laughing. "She does. She mentioned something about it before she even introduced us." Y/n truthfully spoke. "Love at first sight!" They both said simultaneously then breaking into loud laughter.

After settling down once again, Howard's crazy mind formed an idea. "What if, what if we tricked her into thinking we were together and expose the truth that we aren't...just to see her reaction of course." Howard suggested with a slight smirk.

Slowly but surely, a small grin formed on Y/n's face. "Hmmm, I guess you are a clever man sometimes, Stark." She replied jokingly, Howard gasped dramatically "You take that back!"

"I heard its rude to take something back that you truly mean...so, NO!" Y/n said running away. "Hey! You take that back!" Howard shouted running after her and back to the office.

*Peggy's POV*

Their so cute together, but just won't admit to it, and they claim their only friends. They look so happy together but....maybe they're just friends. My thoughts were cut off by an agent gaining my attention at the door.

"Agent Carter!" I turned around looking at the two men standing in the door way. One, I recognized as Agent Robins and the other, unfamiliar. He was tall and muscular, with brown, short hair, ocean blue eyes, and a welcoming grin.

"Agent, this is James Barnes, the newest recruit. He won't be in your group but I just wanted to introduce him to you, Y/l/n and Stark." Robins spoke. "Are you suggesting he get moved up?" I questioned. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Barnes' grin faultier but grow once again. His attention was now on someone in the hall. Y/n

"Sorry to interrupt, I just needed to get into my office." Y/n said looking down, picking grass out of her hair. As soon as she looked up, her eyes connect with James'.

"Agent Y/l/n, meet James Barnes from the 107th." the agent said. The looks on James and Y/n's faces stuck in their surprised expressions.

*Howard's POV*

No one noticed me walking in through the door in Y/n's office and into the front room. I'd been in the room since Peggy, being Peggy, questioned the soldiers introduction.

I looked at Peggy as she looked at me, finally seeing me. Her eyes flicked from me to Y/n to Barnes and back at me. I knew what she was signaling and smiled at her.

Agent Robins interrupted the silence and brought Barnes and Y/l/n out of their deep stares. "Sorry to interrupt...this, but Barnes has got to go to training." "Oh yes, of course! It was a pleasure meeting you all!...Y/l/n." James said walking away, making sure to get one last look at Y/n.

"Forget faking a relationship, Y/n's in loveeeeee!" I shouted the last part loud enough for James to hear and gaining both ladies attention earning a laugh from Peggy and a annoyed sigh from Y/n.

Y/n walked into her office and slammed the door. Peggy's loud laughter suddenly stopped... "Wait, FAKING A RELATIONSHIP?!" I quickly ran out and back to my station to continue working.

No one liked being around an angry Margaret Carter.

I've been working on a project Dr. Erksine and I have been researching...a HYDRA project or serum...


There will not be a part 2....sorry. But, still I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please let me know if you have any feedback or suggestions!!!!!!!!

Have an amazing day, night, evening, or morning <3

Word Count: 660!

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