The Rune's Finally Drawn

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The Rune's Finally Drawn

"Clary?! Clary baby, can you hear me?" Jace shouted. He got up from Clary's side and ran over to his door throwing it open. "I need help!" Jace shouted into the empty corridor. All the doors in the corridor opened immediately and out came Izzy, Alec and Magnus.

"Jace, what's the matter?" Izzy asked rushing towards him. Jace tried to answer but all he could manage was to point inside his room. Izzy looked around Jace and gasped. "By the Angel! Alec, go get Maryse! Magnus your powers best be working pretty frigging well!"

"I'm coming." Magnus answered as he walked down the corridor and Alec took off in the other direction.

"Magnus, Clary is lying on the floor unconscious and you're taking a casual stroll. Do you not understand how stupid that is?" Izzy asked as Jace moved back into the room quickly. He knelt down next to Clary.

"It's not stupid Miss Lightwood, it's quite logical actually." Magnus said as he walked into the room and over to Clary. Magnus knelt down next to Clary's head and started inspecting her.


"You know, you've looked in the mirror about fifty times in the last two minutes, right?" Jonathan asked.

"I just don't know. Do I look okay? I don't want Jace to be disappointed." Clary answered sighing as she twirled a strand of red hair around her finger.

"Clarissa Adele Fray Fairchild Graymark Morgenstern soon to add Herondale, you look absolutely gorgeous and if Jace can't see that he's an idiot." Jonathan said.

"Thank you, Jonathan. You don't scrub up so bad yourself." Clary smiled.

"Hey, I always look good. I'm Jonathan Morgenstern remember." Jonathan chuckled as he sat on the sofa tapping his fingers on his knee.

"What's up?" Clary asked as she sat down next to him, tucking her legs underneath her.

"I don't want you to leave." Jonathan sighed.

"I don't understand, what do you mean?" Clary asked.

"I don't know what's going to happen when it's over. When you actually get married. Am I still going to be here? Are you just going to ignore me?" Jonathan answered.

"Jonathan, I don't think I could ignore you if I tried. You might not think it but you help. I need to know one thing though." Clary said.

"Anything, as long as I know you're going to stay I'll answer anything." Jonathan said taking Clary's hands in his.

"How do I stop the fainting but keep the dreams?" Clary asked.

"Clarissa, I thought you already realized. I've been telling you since the start," Jonathan chuckled. "The rune."

"The rune?" Clary asked in a confused tone. Jonathan took one of Clary's sketch pads off the glass coffee table and took a blunt pencil with it. He opened the sketch pad to a clean sheet and started to draw as the picture carried on being drawn it became more familiar to Clary. She took the sketch pad off Jonathan and finished the rune off.

"See you know what I was talking about, you just have to remember these things." Jonathan said.

"Thank you Jonathan." Clary smiled throwing her arms around Jonathan.

"It has been and always will be my pleasure." Jonathan answered.

"Jonathan, stop distracting Clary. She has to finish getting ready." Jocelyn said angrily. Jocelyn would never be fully satisfied with her son....


Clary woke with a start. She was still lying on the floor in Jace's bedroom with Jace, Magnus, Alec, Izzy and Maryse staring at her.

"Clary, are you okay?" Maryse asked.

"I need a stele." Clary said as she started to sit up.

"Clary baby, you need to stay lying down." Jace answered lying her back down.

"No, I need a stele." Clary protested.

"What for?" Alec asked.

"I know what the rune is for." Clary answered.

"What rune?" Magnus asked.

"The rune Jonathan keeps telling me about.

"Magnus, I think we need Brother Zachariah and Tessa to check Clary out." Maryse whispered.

"I'm not crazy." Clary said.

"They're on their way." Magnus answered ignoring Clary comment.

"Speak of the devils." Izzy said as Brother Zachariah and Tessa walked into the room and over to where everyone was crowded around Clary.

"What's wrong Clary?" Brother Zachariah asked.

"I fainted but I need a stele to draw a rune Jonathan gave me but everyone thinks that I'm mental." Clary answered.

"How many times have you seen this rune?" Tessa asked.

"About three times but I've been told what it does." Clary said. Brother Zachariah and Tessa seemed to have a quick conversation with their eyes and came to a decision.

"Okay, I would never normally allow this as an ex-Silent Brother but for this one time I'm going to let you draw the rune." Brother Zachariah said.

"Thank you." Clary whispered in relief.

"Brother Zachariah, are you sure this is the right thing to do?" Jace asked.

"Jace, can you just let me do this? Please." Clary pleaded. Jace nodded and past her a stele.

Clary slowly sat up with Jace sat behind her for support. She touched the stele to her arm. It slightly burnt her skin at first, Clary hadn't just gotten used to touching something to her skin that burnt it just yet. Slowly she started to draw the rune that Jonathan had shown her so many times. Once she had finished the rune started to glow.

"Clary, what's happening?" Jace asked.

"I need water." Clary said as she suddenly became breathless.

"Izzy, go get her a glass of water." Alec said.

"There's a bottle on my bedside cabinet in Alec's room." Magnus answered. Izzy ran out the room as Clary started to gather a cold sweat on her forehead as the rune continued to glow.

"Jace, I need...I need...." Clary tried to say as she gasped for air.

"What is it? What do you need baby?" Jace asked.

"Air...I need air," Clary managed to whisper. Magnus snapped a finger and all the windows flew open. "Thank you." Clary smiled weakly. Izzy ran back into the room and passed Clary the bottle of water. She started to take small sips of it.

"Are you okay Clary?" Brother Zachariah asked. Clary could only manage a shake of the head.

"We need to get her to the infirmary." Tessa commented.

"Okay." Jace answered as he picked Clary up.

"Izzy, Alec and Maryse you can go back to bed. Magnus, we might need you. Jace, I think it'd be better that after you take Clary to the infirmary that you go back to bed." Brother Zachariah said.

"What? I don't understand." Jace answered.

"Jace baby-I'll..I'll be fine. If-If anything ha-happens we'll let you know." Clary said.

"Are you sure?" Jace asked.

"I'm sure." Clary half heartedly smiled.

"Mr Herondale, we're waiting on you." Brother Zachariah said from the doorway where Magnus, Tessa and himself were standing. Izzy, Alec and Maryse had left.

"We're coming." Jace answered and started to walk behind them as Clary's arm still glowed and the sweat still continued to form on her forehead. Jonathan hadn't mentioned this in Clary's dream.

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