The Rogue Prince (2)

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It was looking like we would dinner as we always did, in silence, when Alicent's words ringed through my head.

"We haven't spoken much... since..."

F: "A regret of mine. We should be free to speak our minds to one another."

"You can say whatever you'd like. You are the King."

He smiled, though it was forced, and waited a moment before speaking, "I loved your mother very much."

"As did I."

Silence fell back over us, one that I was not going to let last after half a year of torture.

"Ser Harrold provided a fine field of tourney knights."


"But in questioning them, I discovered that Ser Criston was the only man among them with true battle experience."

He smiled, this time true, "He'll make a fine knight of the Kingsguard."

I debated before speaking again, "Today at Small Council-"

"Pay it no mind."

"I-I thought I might have had some insight. I-"

"You're young. You will learn."

"I'm not sure Lord Hightower would agree."

"Why is that?"

"Were you aware he followed me to the knight's showing?" 

"I was."

"He disagreed with my choice. He disagrees with everything I do or say, it's gotten worse by the day, Father."

He sighed, "Kymyra,"

I shrugged, "Fine. We'll go back to silent meals."

"Kymyra, please. You are the fist woman heir in all of our histories, many will fight you for it."

"Many should not include the King's Hand. He should be the second most loyal, behind the Kingsgard."

"I agree. Just give him some time, I will speak with him."

I smiled slightly, "Thank you, father."


The next morning, my father set out to meet his newest possible suitor; Lady Laena of house Velaryon. My cousin of ten and two years... I watched carefully as they talked from one of the castle's many balconies. Laena's mother, Princess Rhaenys, sat on a bench. As I walked past her, she spoke;

"It bothers you, does it not?"

I turned, debating my words carefully, "My father is a king. It is his duty to take a new wife and strengthen his line."

"I did not ask for a lesson in politics. I asked whether this bothers you."

"Laena is your daughter, Princess. Does it bother you?"

"Of course it does. But I understand the order of things. I'm not sure you do."

I sighed, "If you mean to elicit some anger from me, you should know that you are failing, Princess."

"Quite the opposite. Whether it's to my daughter or to someone else's, your father will remarry sooner than late. His new wife will produce new heirs, and chances are better than not that one of those will be male. And when that boy comes of age and your father has passed, the men of the realm will expect him to be heir, not you. Because that is the order of things."

I smiled, "I fear they will be let down. When I am Queen, I will create a new order."

"How I wish that could be, Kymyra. But the men of the realm already had their opportunity to appoint a ruling queen at the Great Council and they denied it."

"They denied you, Princess Rhaenys. 'The Queen Who Never Was'. But they bent the knee to me and called me heir to the throne."

"Do you remind your father's men of that as you carry their cups?" she now stood, "Here is the hard truth, which no one else has the heart to tell you. Men would sooner put the realm to the torch than see a woman ascend the Iron Throne."

"That is the difference between you and I, Princess. I will not give them the choice. Not to deny me, not to deny my standing in the realm." I smirked, turning and walking away from her. Though, some doubt had found its way into me, twisting around my guts and stabbing each of my nerves. 


I was reading in my room when an emergency Small Council meeting was called. I rushed to the room, standing in a corner instead of being Cupbearer, the reasoning for the meeting already there; a Dragonkeeper speaking High Velaryon;

D: "It occurred in the blackness of night, my lords, during the Hour of the Bat. The thief eluded our pursuit."

Father: "How is it possible that a dragon's egg was stolen out from beneath more than fifty Dragonkeepers?"

D: "It was Prince Daemon who was the culprit, Your Grace..."

Father was shocked into speaking common tongue. "Daemon?"

Lord Hightower: "The Prince left a missive, which I believe might explain."

Mellos read from a piece of paper, "'It is the pleasure of Daemon Targaryen, the Prince of Dragonstone and rightful heir to the Iron Throne, to announce that he is to take a second wife in the tradition of Old Valyria. She is to assume the title Lady Mysaria of Dragonstone. Her Grace is with child and is to have a dragon's egg placed in the babe's cradle in the custom of House Targaryen.' The Prince has invited you to his wedding, Your Grace. It is in two days' time."

Lord Beesbury: "Gods be good..."

Lord Corlys: "Who is Lady Mysaria?"

M: "We believe-"

Lord Strong: "Daemon's whore."

H: "This is nothing less than sedition."

S: "I strongly agree, sire."

F: "My brother wishes to provoke me. To answer is to give him what he wants."

C: "The realm is watching, Your Grace."

F: "What would you have me do? Send him to the Wall? Perhaps I could put his head on a spike."

My mind raced, my uncle was on a mission to hurt us. What could he do to cut us deeper than we thought possible? I muttered the words before I could stop myself, everyone's eyes darting to me. 

"Which egg did Daemon take?"

The Dragonkeeper looked down before answering, taking a moment as if it would soften the blow. "The egg was Dreamfyre's, Princess. The same that you chose for Prince Baelon's cradle."

I said nothing, though my blood boiled.

F: "Assemble a detachment, Otto." he stood, everyone else quickly joining him, "I will go to Dragonstone and dragon Daemon back to face justice myself."

H: "Your Grace."

He whipped around, furious that Otto was standing in his way before he'd even set foot out the door. 

H: "My apologies, Your Grace, but I cannot allow it. It is too dangerous. Daemon is without limit. Let me go to Dragonstone."

He nodded, sending Otto and the Kingsgard on their way. I chased my father down the hall, 

"Father, Father, I must go."

He didn't even slow his marching, "No, Kymyra. I forbid it."

"Father, please. If anyone can talk to Daemon it is me, you mus-"

He whipped around, "You shall not go! It is far too dangerous, Kymyra. This is the end of it." he continued walking away, leaving me in the corridor with only one choice.

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