t h r e e

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i woke up to tapping sounds on the window of mine that faced the street. it was completely dark out. what on earth could be tapping on my window in the middle of the night? i looked at my alarm clock to check the time. it was fucking two in the morning. i rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. maybe i had imagined the noise. what or whoever it was though, wasn't going to give up so easily. the tapping continued. i groaned loudly and pulled myself up into a sitting position. i went to the window and opened the blind.

"denbrough?" i questioned. i opened my window and stuck my head slightly out to see better. sure enough, denbrough stood just in front of where my window was. "what are you doing here, denbrough?"

"i c-came to t-t-talk to you. can i c-come in?"

"no," i said frustratedly. "it's two in the morning."

"please. it's c-c-cold out h-here."

"it's not that cold. and you should have thought about that before you started tapping on my window and waking me up."

"o-okay. j-just listen to m-me."

"you have about thirty seconds before i shut this and go back to bed."

"i kn-know you're not l-l-like them."

"like who?"

"b-bowers and the other ones. i s-saw you today. you looked s-s-scared."


"you d-don't like what they do t-t-to us do y-you?"

"what's your point, denbrough?" i asked, still getting increasingly annoyed.

"w-we would be y-y-your friends. if you w-wanted. instead of th-them."

"really? because i'm pretty sure the rest of your little group hates me."

"i'm s-s-sure they'll come ar-round if they get to kn-know you."

i smiled sarcastically. "you don't even know me. what makes you think i'm different from them?"

"i can just t-t-tell."

"thanks. but i'm happy right now. and it's really late. i need to go to bed."

"g-good night."

"good night, denbrough," i said, closing my window.

it is true. i am different from them. but i can't do anything. if i tried to break up with henry, he just might kill me. and he would definitely kill me if i ditched his group for his least favorite group of outcasts. i went back to sleep, but my comfortable rest was soon interrupted by a dream. well it was a memory, really. the not so bad memory of when henry and i first met.

it was the first day of school. we had finally evolved from middle to high school. we were surrounded by older kids, anxious to fit in. we all scrambled around the school, looking for our respective classrooms. i was extremely lost and i had bumped into someone on my way to the second class of the day.

it was henry. "watch it bitch!" he had said.

he got a better look at me and smirked. "hey pretty lady."


"where are you supposed to be?"

i had been too nervous to respond, so i handed him my schedule. he laughed. "oh he's a fucking bitch. you're gonna hate his class. why don't i take you there? and on the way i can tell you who's cool, who's not, and everything you need to know about this place."

again i was too nervous to speak, so i had nodded. he put his arm around me and guided me to the proper class.

i didn't know much about him, but i was anxious around him. i knew if i spoke around it would bring my stutter back. i could tell that he was one of the ones they tell you to watch out for. and i had just stumbled myself into his little trap. eventually i warmed up to him, but even still i'm anxious with him. but it's nice having the security of a boyfriend who will attack anyone who threatens me. 

easy to hate u, better to love u 》 bill denbroughWhere stories live. Discover now