//Book 3// ~ The Wrath of Rama Khan

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3rd Person POV

"Intruder! Intruder!" An AI announces, trapping Supergirl in a dome of kryptonite

"Did you reprogram the Fortress defenses to attack me?" Supergirl asks

"Yes." Lena says. "And I rigged it to answer to this little button I have in my hand."

"Are you going to try to kill me?" Supergirl whispers

"No. Supergirl, I'm not gonna kill you." Lena says. "I'm not a villain." She opens a portal. "You shouldn't have treated me like one." And with that, Lena is gone and Supergirl is trapped in kryptonite

And then all of a sudden, Willow rushes into the area. "Well, it's a good thing I put a scanning tracker on you." She says, rushing over to Supergirl. "Looks like you do need my help after all."....


Willow has her hands on the dome of kryptonite, pulling the green wisps towards herself

"Supergirl, come in!" Alex yells over the comms once again

Willow, distracted once again from Alex, pulls her hands away from the dome. "What are you doing?" Supergirl asks nervously

Willow gives her a signal to wait a second. She puts her hand up to her comms. "Alex, we're okay. Supergirl is okay. Just get to the Fortress of Solitude. Quick." And with that, Willow pulls her comms from her ear and throws it tothe ground, needing to concentrate

Willow puts her hands back on the dome as Alex and Brainy jump through a portal. The dome falls apart as Willow's eyes glow bright green and Supergirl rushes out of where the dome was

"Are you all right?" Alex asks. "I traced Rama Khan's energy trail here."

"I have to find Lena." Supergirl says immediately

"What did Rama Khan do?" Alex asks

"It wasn't him." Supergril says. "It was Lena. She knew."

"She knew what?" Alex asks

"My identity." Supergirl answers and Willow's eyes widen. "She's known for months. Lex told her, and she hates me for it." She says, typing on the hologram computer

A location pops up. "Lena's in Mount Norquay." Brainy realizes

"Mount Norquay is one of Lex's old hideouts." Alex says. Supergirl turns and begins to storm out. "Where are you going?"

"To fix this." Supergirl says, rushing towards the exit

"Supergirl, wait!" Willow exclaims, rushing over to her

"Stop!" Supergirl tells Willow, turning around. "Don't follow. Please." And with that, she's gone

Willow huffs, crossing her arms before she turns invisible

"Willow Greene, wait!" Brainy calls after her but he sees that Willow's signature is gone

"Where did she go?" Alex asks

"Where do you think she went?" Brainy shoots the question back. "She went after Kara, of course."

"Lena, don't do this..." Supergirl whispers, putting her hands up in defense as the missles of kryptonite get ready to shoot at her. Just then, green surrounds Supergirl and she looks over to see Willow making a forcefield around her


Sueprgirl and Willow land in the DEO. "If you can't follow orders–" Supergirl tells Willow

"You're not my superior." Willow states

Willow Greene // Supergirl //Where stories live. Discover now