Action and Attraction

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All rights go to original author.

As the girls exited the bathroom their phones (and everyone else's) vibrated with a text message.

Fucking Michael Clifford.

Daily News:

Homecoming and Drama Go Hand In Hand

'With Homecoming only two weeks away things are starting to heat up! Guys are asking girls and girls are rejecting guys in hope that a better more attractive guy will ask them-'

"Michael , any guy would be more attractive then you, just stop trying," Camila quipped causing Lauren to snicker as she continued reading.

'-and with every homecoming one can expect the annual Miami High Barbecue and Car Wash Fundraiser. Personally this is my favorite time of the year- hot Cheerios in tiny bikini's washing cars? Hubba hubba! And the ladies love to watch the football players on the grill. This will be an especially rousing event because football stud Austin Mahone and Head Cheerleader Camila Cabello are now single (the rumors of the relationship between Camila and Normani Kordei have been resolved)-'

"Oh my god. They thought that you guys were dating?" Lauren asked holding back laughter. God, she knew that would never be true. That would be almost as weird as Lauren and Camila dating...wait.

"Ugh, don't remind me," Camila grumbled.

"Am I gonna have to pull a jealous ex-girlfriend move and beat up the nerd?" the brunette joked. Camila rolled her eyes.

"I don't think that will be necessary."

'-so I'm sure all the girls will be waiting for Austin to ask them to the dance. But what I'm really interested to see is who Cabello will be going with. Now that she's dated a girl she's made it clear that she's available to both sides. So who will be the lucky person to escort the most-likely homecoming queen? If she dated seemingly arch-rival Lauren Jauregui then the case may be that ANYONE has a chance with her.

And now I bid you all goodluck in finding a date for the dance. You better hurry or all the good ones will be gone!

Clifford signing off

P.S. Ally Brooke will you be my date to homecoming?'

"Poor Ally..." Lauren sighed pitifully, only to realize she was talking to no one," Camila?" She looked around wondering where the girl had gone.

Then she spotted her being cornered by a pretty blonde girl- from the girls basketball team if she remembered correctly. And...wait- was she holding a rose behind her back? There was a crowd of people gathering around them and Lauren went closer to see what the big deal was.

"Ask her!" one of the girls in the crowd yelled, probably the blonde's friend. The girl blushed and quietly told her friend to shut up before turning back to Camila, who looked confused as hell.

"H-hey Camila," the girl stuttered.

"Umm...hi?" She suddenly thrust the rose to the brunette with a rushed,


Lauren's jaw dropped.

Camila stood there with a shocked expression on her face. Was this girl seriously asking her to be her date? She sure as hell wasn't gonna go to Homecoming with her but how was she gonna say that? Be bitchy like usual or let her down gently?

Then Camila saw the look on Lauren's face.

She sighed before replying," Look, you're pretty and everything but I'm waiting for the right person to ask me, sorry." Camila glanced subtly at Lauren before she kissed the girl on the cheek.

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