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"I see you stepped away from the mirror long enough to walk home to another mirror," May taunted, annoyed as she and the cause of her annoyance walked home from school.

They would have happily walked home by themselves, but sadly for them their houses were about five apart.

Drew flicked one of the corners of his soft chartreuse hair. "Looking this amazing all the time takes time, you know."

"Amazing looking person? Where?" May shot back, over dramatically swiveling her head around.

"I will get you to admit that you think I'm cute one day," he said calmly and plainly, giving her his award winning smirk.

"There has to be something to admit to actually admit," May told him bitterly.

"Ooh, someone's been working on her comebacks. How long did you stay up to think of that one. It's alright - not all of us are naturally witty,"he teased, whole body ras relaxed and cool as two-scoop triple chocolate ice cream cone on the hottest day of summer. With gummies.


May flopped back onto her floral patterned comforter, her rose phone charm hitting her pillow as she chatted with Misty.

"-I now, but he's just so vain. Honestly, it kinda seems like all he talks about is how amazing and cute he is," May ranted. "What am I supposed to do?"

Misty sighed. "This is a recurring conversation, isn't it. I don't know, get a bike or something so you don't have to walk with him," she suggested.

"Yeah, but in case you've forgotten, Ash destroyed both of our bikes, and still hasn't payed either of us back," she reminded, agitated. "And if he ever does pay one of us back, he's going to pay you first, seeing as you're his girlfriend. Well, assuming he ever gets around to paying either of us back, and I don't have enough to buy a new one."

May could almost here Misty frown. "True that."

"And you know that science project we're doing? I'm partnered with him. At least he works some of the time. The rest of the time, he's just boasting like usual," she complained. "What's his deal?"

"I think he likes you," Misty simply said.

"...what?" May asked, surprised at Misty's accusing statement.

"He only acts all 'awesome' like that around you. He doesn't seem to much care what others think of his appearance or talents. I mean, he always looks presentable and such, but he doesn't usually bring any of it up," she explained.

"That's because everyone else already thinks he's all of that," she excused.

"My question is do you like him," Misty asked, ignoring May's previous statement.

"Of course not!" May argued. "He's way too self-centered for me. As for liking me, the only one that boy likes is himself."

"I'm right, and you know it," Misty mumbled, when in all honesty she was just afraid that she didn't know it. Which, sadly for her, was more than likely the case.

"Please. He's just as stuck up as they come."

"As much as I'd just love to hear you rant, I have to, like, finish my homework or, like, all four of my older sisters will, like, get mad at me, even though they haven't, like, even started their homework yet," Misty mocked, earning a few giggles from May.

"Talk you you tomorrow, then," she closed. The red button on her phone blinked, signaling that Misty had hung up.

Having already finished her homework, May popped open her silver laptop before immediately heading to google.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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