Chapter 15

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~One month later~

-Mike's POV-

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Eva-" "Babe," I shouted. "Happy Birthday to you." Our voices echoed in the back lounge. I saw her smile over the laptop screen, "Thanks guys that was beautiful."

"You're getting old," Vic teased. "Excuse me? I wouldn't be talking Señor Victor." She laughed. "Are you guys putting on a show tonight?" We all nodded, "Yep and it's gonna be dedicated to you on your special day babe." She smiled, "Aw baby you're the best." The guys groaned. "Thats our cue to leave they're getting all mushy," Jaime gagged.

It's been a month since we left and so far it's been okay. I feel that my relationship with Eva has grown just because we miss each other and it's made us stronger.

There has been a little bit of drama with Dianne. Ugh, she usually always has a little remark to say about Eva. I'm getting fed up with it. I've held back so many times but I don't know how much more I can take.

"Babe?" she laughed. "I'm sorry I spaced out for a second." I adjusted my beanie. "It's okay, babe my laptop is about to die and I need to get ready for my birthday dinner with the girls." I pouted, "But babe!"

"C'mon it's my birthday we're going to Corkbar please baby?"

"I miss you that's why." She sighed, "I know hun I do too, I'll call you after yes?" I smiled a little, "Fine but save me a burger." She smirked, "No, well babe gotta go."

"Be careful and have fun love." She gave me a heartfelt smile, "Put on a great show tonight okay? I love you boo." I felt giddy inside when she said that, "Love you too beb."

We ended our call and for a second I just sat there. I really do miss her a whole lot. I sighed and went over to put on a movie. I put on 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.' "Tone!" I yelled. "Yeah?" he shot back. "Wanna watch a movie with me?" I heard footsteps coming, "Lemme guess, Harry Potter?" "You already know!"

We both got comfy in the lounge with snacks and drinks. I liked hanging out with Tone because he was pretty quiet and fun all at the same time. And he didn't ask questions during the movie unlike that ball of energy Jaime.

During the movie I started to remember when Eva and I watched 'Deathly Hallows part one' and we admitted our feelings to each other. "Mike, Mike?" Tony's voice cut in. "Dude we need to get ready for the show." I stretched and yawned, "I'm tired." He pushed me off the bus, "You can drink a Monster lets go."


"Thanks Chicago you guys were great," Vic yelled. The crowd roared with cheers I threw my drumsticks in to the crowd and watched as fans lunged towards them. I chuckled we really do have some crazy fans.

Our drum tech handed me my phone as we got offstage. I noticed I had two missed calls from Eva. It had been barely 5 minutes ago so I ran to the bus and went into the bathroom. I had to change out of my sweaty clothes, I called Eva while I changed and put her on speaker. Two rings and she answered.

"Heeey boo boo." I laughed at her greeting, "Heey bay-bay."

"Did you just get done?" she asked. "Uh yeah I'm just changing now." I struggled getting my shirt off. "Chaaow that tattooed chest."

"Baaabe! Stop it!"

"I bet you're blushing huh?" I looked into the mirror and she was right my cheeks were a light tint of pink.

Then I heard a thud on the other side then a "ouch" followed by giggles. "What was that?" I asked. She laughed, "The stupid door walked into me." I laughed, "Aw baby you're so cute." She whined, "It hurt."

"Too bad I'm not there to kiss your booboo." I knew she was pouting by the sound of her voice, "I know..." I heard her mumble something but I didn't quite catch it. I yawned and jumped off of the sink, "Babe I'm tired so I'll let you go." She yawned too, "Okay babe, sleep tight I love you." "Happy birthday again love, love you."

I hung up and opened the door to finally get to bed. "Fucking Hell!" I jumped back a little. "What the hell do you want?" It was Dianne just standing there. "Hey Mike," she said in her supposed sexy voice.

She put a finger on my chest and began tracing her fingers along my tattoos. I took a step back but it was useless she took another step towards me. I kept backing away from her until I hit the wall. She didn't stop she stepped all the way inside the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

What the hell does she want? I'm freaking out! This is it this is how I die. Oh no she's probably gonna rape me! Okay maybe I'm being overdramatic but I don't wanna be in here with her!

"Can you please tell me what you want?" I said exasperated. She smirked slyly, "You." Before I knew it her lips were crashing onto mine. My eyes widened I quickly pushed her away, "What's your problem?" I said kind of loud.

"Listen Mike if I were you I'd forget all about your little girlfriend back home." I glared at her with anger, "Uh yeah I don't think I will."

"Incase you've forgotten who my father is, he's the one who gave you this shot. I'm his little girl I can easily have him take it away." I stood there dumbfounded. "I'd forget that silly little girl, you don't want to be at fault for the failure of this band." She kissed my cheek before she left leaving the door open behind her.

I felt so frustrated, hopeless, scared. I couldn't take the emotions that I punched the wall. I slid onto the floor against the shower door, drawing my knees to my chest, letting my head hang low. Tears began to rim my eyes. What am I gonna do?!

I heard the guys coming in. Vic passed by, "Hey bro, what's wrong?" A single tear slid down my cheek I quickly wiped it away. "Nothing just a headache." I lied. "You sure?" I nodded.

I'm screwed I thought to myself. That's when the actual headache started to set in.


sooooooooooo? ^.^ it's about time I updated this :3 A couple of reasons why I FINALLY updated:

1: Because I finally reached 1000+ reads on this story. And i wanna say thanks to everyone who has read and all that I appreciate it so freaking much <3

2: You turtles deserve a update and I'm sorry I've had a bit of writers block but finally came through and I think its pretty good not too shabby right? :3 maybe? D:

3: And lastly it's MY BIRTHDAY :3 And I felt like being nice so yeah I feel old you guys but anyways I got sushi today c:

Oh yeah and remember to Read, Comment, Vote, and Fan (: and check out my other story "This Love is a Lie." thanks <3 :{D

If you kiss me goodnight, I'll know everything is alright.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora