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To appreciate a player's expression.


As we walked back towards the wharf, the festival grounds were glowing with multicolored lights, and there was a loud hum of music and celebration coming from every direction. It felt surreal, seeing it all, knowing that thousands of people had shown up that night... to see us.

Yoongi seemed to hold his head higher that night. He held my hand with obvious pride, standing a bit taller, smiling a bit more confidently. If you'd asked me that night if he was afraid I was going to say no to him, I think I'd have said yes. The look of relief that he wore in the moments following my answer to his question was very telling. I knew that he probably worried about it in silence for a lot longer than he'd likely ever admit.

"You hungry, beautiful?" he asked as we neared a section of dock lined with food vendors.

"More nervous than hungry, but I get a hunch you're really saying you're hungry." I giggled when he didn't reply and instead smirked.

"Come on. Let's check out the taco tent..." he pulled me along and we got into line behind a family speaking a language I didn't recognize.

"There seem to be people here from all over. I haven't recognized half the langues I've heard around here tonight..." I noticed aloud, glancing around at the diversity surrounding us.

Yoongi tilted his head subtly, eyebrows tightened as he concentrated. At first I didn't realize what he was doing and thought maybe he'd been daydreaming.

"Tagalog," he replied with confidence and two of the older women in the group turned to briefly smile, silently acknowledging his observation.

"You continue to impress me every day, Min Yoongi, virtuoso," I joked. He thanked me with a playful nudge to my ribs.

"You're going to be Mrs. Virtuoso now, he poked his tongue between his teeth and snickered.

"Pssh...as if that's an insult. Don't test me, Mr. Min. I'll have them print it on the wedding programs..."

"You wouldn't dare...."

We laughed and hung on each other like two teenagers waiting in line at the movies, discussing our crazy ideas for our wedding, talking about the upcoming performance, and wondering aloud where the rest of the band had gone off to.

"DAAAAAAH DUM DA-DUMMMMMMMM!" Taehyung sang the wedding march in his booming baritone voice as they walked up to us in the staging area.

"I hear congratulations are in order!" Hobi swept me into a hug, lifting me from the ground. "Finally!"

"Finally?" I laughed, "It hasn't even been a year yet..."

"We knew it was coming. You two are inseparable."

I couldn't disagree with him. I suppose in a way I wasn't surprised that Yoongi proposed when he did. We had already been through so much together at that point that it was hard to imagine spending my life with anyone else. And even more than that, I didn't want to. I wanted only to build my life with him.

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