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after exhausted week everything  calm down

Can finish his all test, lemon continue his school, Can dad start working at Medthanan as night guard, Tin finally get to relax down after too many paper works.

SO, right now it 1:30am in the morning Can is getting ready for delivering his dad dinner, in this busy week Can come to know his dad had some takeover food for his dinner and fall sick because of unhealthy food even his dad didn't tell him but he know how to read people moreover he is over kind hearted person and can't see anyone in pain.

So, here he is packing his dad dinner box

he already put lemon to sleep, he never went to his dad working job but he had the address.

He take out his bicycle and start padding to his dad work place direction

it chill cold outside, Can cheek get red even his tiny nose too but he make to his dad place.

Can dad is shock when can arrived he never thought to see his son this late night here but when he see that his son was carrying the a food box that time he know why he is here this late.

Can is happy with his dad reaction

"Dad" said can cheerfully while waving the food box, his dad laugh joyfully

Because of this silent late night there voice is loud enough to wake up Tin father MR. MEDTHANA

He got curious who was laughing this cheerfully, he take his coat and come to backside window to see and he come to see a young boy and an old man eating food happily.

Mr. medthanan smitten by Can joyful expression, he made his way to backdoor of the company and come face to face with son and father.

Can don't know someone making their way to them, Can and his dad sit in two separate chair around a small fireplace, Can dad was first to notice MR. MEDTHANAN he immediately stand up and bow down to his big boss.

Can was confuse to see his dad like dad so, he start to scold them

'Dad!!!! *pout* don't suddenly stand up while eating *pout* see you mess up your uniform' said can 

And kneel down to wipes his dad shirt and pant, Can don't know that there is one more person watching him a admiring eyes and kind smile MR. MEDTHANAN clear this throat to get attention of young boy.

Can slightly flinch and turn around to see an old man with a oversize coat without any slipper 

Can remove his big slipper, pick it up and went to that old man, kneel down and keep the slipper down.

On other side Tin dad was observing Can, young boy start to walk toward him he expect some kind of greeting but he got shock when Can kneel down with his slipper in his hand.

'Sawadee krap sir, you should not walk around without any slipper on' said can

And take Alex (Tin dad name) right leg, he gentle lift it, take his handkerchief from his pocket and wipes Alex palm and slip his slipper to alex, he did same with other leg too.

Can stand up "All done" said it with bright smile, he didn't feel any ashamed about touching someone feet because for him  feet of elder people are like feet of god.

Alex was too stunned to say anything because he never accept that someone do like this especially today generation.

Alex rise his hand patted Can head gentle, Can dad have a proud smile on his face.

Alex don't know what happened to him but he asked something which abnormal for him 

"May I know your name child" asked alex

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