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I landed in a field, taking out a few trees in the process. After the craft stopped, I used my magic to shrink it so I could hide it easily. I picked it up, and tied it to my wrist. I also used my magic to repair the damage I had dealt to the poor field. When the last tree was put back, and the ground around it restored, I heard the sound of what sounded like a jet above my head.

I looked up to see the Man of Iron.

"Tony? Why are you way out here? Shouldn't you be helping rebuild?" I questioned.

He didn't say a word as he landed.


"Sorry to alarm you Miss Odinson. My name is JARVIS. Mr. Stark sent this suit to pick you up. If you walk forward and hold onto the suit, I will take you to him."

I cautiously walked over, and wrapped my arms tightly around the torso of the suit before it took off. Soon enough, the metal suit landed at its destination. I opened my eyes, seeing I was back at the tower Tony named after him. I let go of the suit, and fixed my hair.

"Mr. Stark is inside, waiting for you."
I carefully walked across the small platform, and into the building. I saw Tony leaning over a small table. He looked pretty interested in it, and I knew only one thing would break his concentration.

"Uncle Tony, what're'ya doin'?"

He sighed, turning around. His eyes widened, mouth hung open, and he dropped whatever he had  been holding.



Hello! ^3^

Sorry I haven't been updating often! Anyway, I was watching Age of Ultron a few weeks ago and I thought, 'How cool would it be, if there was a trailer to go with this story?'

Maybe one of my readers/followers could create one? And message me when it's finished? *hint, hint*

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