IV: Coming Back (Pt. 1 of 3)

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The steady beeping beside me was the first thing I was aware of, following by the glare of fluorescent lights overhead when I opened my eyes. I tried to shield my face with my hand, and found my movements were weak and sluggish. A tugging sensation in my hand prompted further inspection, and I found a pulse monitor attached to a finger.

"Dr. Benson. Dr. Benson, he's awake!" shouted a female voice.

I blinked to get my vison to focus, and a nurse with close-cut brown hair swam into view. She checked me over a few times before holding up two fingers.

"How many?" she asked.

"Two." I said, voice croaky from disuse. "Am I in a... hospital or something?"

It was a stupid question, but I wasn't in the best state of mind. The stark white walls and smell of antiseptic left precious few alternatives, though, and the nurse was quick to confirm my theory as she shined a flashlight in my eyes.

"Northwood Medical, Mr. Carter. Do you... remember what happened?"

I settled back in my pillow, breathing in the scent of recently-changed linens as I tried to recall. A hazy memory of a dark intersection surfaced, followed by the sudden flash of a pair of headlights and the sensation of freefall.

"Oh, right. I get sideswiped by someone." I said.

"Actually, it was a side collision." said a grave voice.

A portly doctor with a wispy beard stepped into the room, taking the nurse's place as he examined me again. My head commanded the lion's share of his attention, though, particularly a tender spot on my forehead.

"Are you having any... pain or strange sensations?"

"No, why?" I asked as he drew back again.

Dr. Bensen stuck his hands in the pocket of his coat, a nervous habit that did little to conceal the hesitation on his face. I slowly became aware that my beard was longer than it should have been, and that my limbs felt slow and stiff.

"Mr. Carter... you've been in a coma for almost two weeks. Your vehicle's side airbag absorbed much of the impact, but it also focused a great deal of pressure on your brain. You should recover full use of your motor skills in a matter of hours, but if my analysis is correct, I'm afraid you might've lost something greater."

I opened my mouth to ask what he meant, only for the door to my room to swing open again. A black woman with blonde hair stuck her head in the room, relief sweeping over her face as the rest of her body followed. She was plump but curvy, a shape muted by the baggy blue sweats and hoodie she was wearing. She looked like she wanted rush over, but instead she sauntered close and knelt down next to the bed.

"How yah doing, sweetie?" she whispered, striking my hand with pearl nails. "Everything all right? Think you're ready to come home?"

"Uh... yeah, I think I'm fine." I said slowly. "It's just... who are you?"

The woman pulled back her hand, using it to cover her mouth as tears formed in the corner of her eyes. She stood and turned as she tried not to cry, and the nurse gave her a comforting hug and soothing words. It was only then that I looked down at the hand the woman had been holding and noticed there was a ring on it.

"I warned you this was a possibility, Mrs. Carter." Dr. Bensen said. "Your husband took a serious blow to the head, he's lucky to be awake at all."

The woman collapsed against a chair and wept bitterly, and guilt washed over me as I watched her. I tried everything to remember who she was. I squeezed my eyes shut until I saw stars, but nothing sprang to mind. I could've sworn I was single, that I'd never seen her before in my entire life. I didn't even remember her name.

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