The Beginning of Fractured Patella and Torn Meniscus

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Izzy's POV

I couldn't believe it. I've fractured my patella in my right knee and I've torn both of the meniscus in both of my knees, really bad. I will have to get surgery to fix both of my knees.

"What can we do in the mean time?" Jake asked the doctor as he put his hands on my shoulders.

"Well we're to bandage both of her knees. She's not allowed to walk on them or she'll just make it worse. After she has both of her surgeries, she will have to wear knee braces for six weeks. She will need help walking after her two surgeries." The Doctor explained about my bad knees.

"We will put the bandages on her knee." The Doctor exclaimed as the Nurse got the bandages out.

Jake was holding my hand while the Nurse began to wrap the bandage around my right knee and my left knee next.

"She will need the bandages changed every three days." The Doctor exclaimed.

"I'll change them for her." Jake exclaimed.

"Here is paracetamol, when you feel pain in your knee. Take two every four hours until the pain is gone." The Doctor exclaimed as he passed them to me.

"Is she good to go?" Jake asked him.

"Yep, just makes sure she stays in her wheelchair." The Doctor exclaimed.

"Oh don't worry, I will." Jake exclaimed.

Jake lifted me off the bed and he placed me in my wheelchair.

"Thank you Doctor. We will see you in a week." Jake exclaimed as he started to push my wheelchair.

I hate being in a wheelchair.

Jake's POV

We arrived back home and we went into the living room. I picked Izzy up from her wheelchair and placed her on the couch.

I placed two pillows behind her head.

"Do you want a blanket Izz?" I asked her as I had a blanket in my arms.

"Yes please." Izzy exclaimed as I placed the blanket over her.

"Thanks Jake." Izzy exclaimed as I sat down next to her.

She lifted her legs up and placed them on my lap.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked her as I had hold of the remote.

"Erm...The Next Step." Izzy exclaimed as I put on YouTube and I put The Next Step on, Season 2.

Cubby's POV

I brought in a cake stand full of cupcakes. I placed it on the table.

"Here you go Izzy, loads of cupcakes for you." Cubby exclaimed.

"Thanks Cubby. I can't believe I fractured both of my knees." Izzy exclaimed as I passed her a cupcake.

"I love chocolate." Izzy exclaimed as she ate the chocolate cupcake.

"Hoped it'll take your mind off the pain." I exclaimed.

"Oh it did..." Izzy exclaimed.

"Oh good!" I exclaimed as I was happy to help her.

"Until now!" Izzy exclaimed as I started to feel bad.

"Cubby, come here." Jake exclaimed as I went over to him.

He slapped my arm.

"Oww! What was that for?" I asked him as I was rubbing my arm.

"For reminding my girlfriend of her pain." Jake exclaimed, which he earned a slap from Izzy.

"What was that for??" Jake asked Izzy as he was rubbing his arm.

"For reminding me about my pain." Izzy exclaimed.

"But I was just telling Cubby...oh never mind." Jake exclaimed as he just sat back and folded his arms.

Izzy's POV

I was enjoying my cupcakes as I was just sitting back while watching YouTube. This was the life.

"Hey Izz, I put all of your favourite flavoured crisps in a bowl." Jake exclaimed as he placed the bowl on the table.

"Thanks Jake." I exclaimed.

"How are you feeling about the surgery?" Jake asked me.

"I'm feeling really scared. I mean it's not just one surgery and it's two surgeries. They're major operations to fix both of my knees." I exclaimed about how I was feeling.

"Izz, you're going to be okay. I understand that you're really scared but I'm here for you, you're not alone. We will be right by your side, before you go into surgery and after you come out of surgery." Jake exclaimed as he was rubbing my leg.

"I just want both of my operations to be successful." I exclaimed.

"And they will be." Jake exclaimed as he got up and kissed me on the forehead.

"I'll get you more food. What do you want?" He asked me.

"Can I have some sweets?" I asked him.

"Sure Izz." Jake exclaimed.

Jake's POV

I grabbed two small white bowls from the cupboard and I opened packets of Haribos and Moaoms.

I poured the Haribos into one bowl and I poured the Moaoms into another bowl. I tried to create that girly aesthetic that Izzy likes.

I brought the two bowls for her and placed them on the table.

"There you go Izz." I exclaimed as she was watching YouTube on the TV.

"Thanks Jake." Izzy exclaimed as she leaned over to grab a Haribo.

Izzy's POV

It was the next day. I was lying in bed, waiting for my breakfast in bed.

"Hey Izz, Cubby made you an All Day Breakfast." Jake exclaimed.

Cubby came up with her All Day Breakfast on a tray.

"Here you go Izzy, I made you three sausages, fried runny eggs, Hash Browns, Toast, baked beans, Burger, and Bacon." Cubby exclaimed as he placed the tray on my lap.

"Thanks Cubby. You're the best Chef." I exclaimed.

"*cough* *cough* and me! *cough* *cough*." Jake exclaimed as I rolled my eyes.

"Jake, he is better than you. Also you should get that cough checked out." I exclaimed.

"Enjoy your breakfast then." Jake exclaimed as he passed me my knife, fork, and spoon.

"I will." I exclaimed as I began to eat my breakfast and it was delicious.

Jake's POV

I helped Izzy off her bed and into her wheelchair.

"Thanks Jake." I exclaimed.

We made it to the stairs. I picked Izzy up from her wheelchair and I carried her downstairs to the couch in the living room.

I went to get her wheelchair from the landing. I folded it up and carried it downstairs to the living room.

"Jake, do you think my two surgeries will go okay?" Izzy asked me.

"Izz, you're going to do amazing. I know your two surgeries will be a complete success." I exclaimed.

"Thanks Jake." Izzy exclaimed as I sat down next to her, rubbing her arm.

She was resting her legs on a stool since her knees need to be levelled while she's sitting down apart from when she's in her wheelchair.

Izzy's Knee Injury Where stories live. Discover now