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Robb Stark felt like the unluckiest man in the world. His house in ruins, his mother and father dead, his sisters missing, his brothers burned at the hand of someone he trusted and his wife - gone as if she had never exited.

He'd asked Bayla more than once if she had someone that knew the whereabouts about Joanna , but the answer remained the same. No. The had no more spies, they were stranded North and though Robb was grateful to be reuninited with Jon, he wished it could have been under different circumstances.

"You need to relax the body. You are still not fully healed." Maester Aemon wrapped the new bandages around his torso. The arrows that hit his back were healed but since training again there were a few of the men of black that had their knife in for them. Maester Aemon said it was not personal , because they were of high born in comparison to others,  but Robb was no fool.

Even the nightwatch was at a dispute with one another. He could see it, feel it. Whenever Jon entered a room , it was clear to Robb that Allister abused his power over them, using rankings to keep Jon as far away from important tasks but not only that-

a war was coming.

It seemed like the sons of Ned Stark could not allude war. It followed them wherever they went.

"I have a lot on my mind." Robb grunted as he sat up still feeling the cut from they men he trained with. Some could fight , others swung their swords too close to the flesh.

"Would this have anything to do with your brother being gone?" Maestor Aemon slowly organized his supplies "Or rather him refusing to take you to Crasters Keep with the other?"

Robb rolled his eyes rhetorically remarking "Please,  I'm not a child." He stayed quiet as he thought back to the morrow they left "It's more in how he looked at me..."

"Which was?"

Robb stared down to wooden floor "Like I'm some wounded animal. He looks at me as if I could -"

"It's understandable." Maestor Aemon reasoned "After the war , he does not wish to lose another brother. If it hadn't been for Samwell , Jon would have been branded as a deserter of the wall. "

"I did not know that..." Robb muttered

"No one thinks you are weak Robb. On the contrary, your brothers concern comes from a great deal of care and respect."

"Speaking of how are the nights?" Aemon questioned "Samwell tells me there are many nights where Bayla screams from terrors in her sleep."

"They're fine." Robb quickly lied

Bayla sat in the library with Ghost by her side. Jon had affirmed that he would not leave her unprotected. Ghost was larger than she could remember Greywind was, taking up the size of half a horse.

As she paged through the book she fed him pieces of meat she stashed from breakfast. Because she was the only woman on the wall she did not want to take the chance of walking around the castle grounds at inconvenience. Ghosts head propped up as he laid back down next to Bayla. Turning in her seat to see Robb approach them, taking a seat across from them.

Bleeding Ivory l Robb StarkWhere stories live. Discover now