Chapter 28

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Korean in regular font

English in BOLD

Physical events in this chapter MAY have happened in real life and inspired a couple scenes........... Not me of course, I was the innocent bystander 😏


Namjoon's POV

"Namjoon?" Rose repeated herself. She sounded so far away. As if I'm underwater and sinking further from the surface, her voice is fading the more I feel I should be hearing it.

A lie is a lie no matter how I thought I could justify it in my head at the time. I hid a friendship from her, and the visit itself from everyone. Our friendship seemed normal all the way up until we had started messing around? Dating? Whatever. She would always get really territorial of me after that, but for a while I wasn't bothered. Apparently I wasn't if I was willing to date her. When my soulmate bond presented itself fully with the six members and I at the time, I cut everything off. Hell she said she had a soulmate and didn't care because she wanted me. We made things clear that it would only be a temporary companionship until we found our soulmates though.

I'm not too sure how long I was stuck in this drowning like state, but it was long enough for her to wrap her arms around me from behind.

She hasn't done that in years so why now? In front of three of my soulmates she felt so bold? So entitled? Then again, it's my fault. I never put an end to anything she's done that is remotely crossing the line. I really thought she understood that I'm happy with my soulmates. She gets that right?

I jumped forward out of her embrace. It felt like her arms were fire at this point, and I just couldn't risk dying in those flames. She looked at me as if her feelings were hurt, but quickly masked it with a expression of faux concern. She used that face all the time to make up for her severe lack of empathy with the female friends she had growing up.

"Is something wrong? I kind of heard the conversation when I was coming out of the bathroom?"

Well fucking duhh somethings wrong!

It's my fault though.

As much as I want to blame someone else, I can't. I let things get this far. I glossed over times like where she'd told the maknae line how sexy I looked in the Mic Drop music video. I thought it was just a compliment. I turned a blind eye when she would purposely hug me longer after noticing Jin or Hobi walk by. I should've been way more observant when she kissed me on the cheek right as Yoongi was about speak to me. He's avoided her presence like the plague ever since. For good reason too.

"I'll go talk to her. We're friends. There's no need for her to be jealous."

When I heard that I finally got out of my own head enough to try and prevent her from even thinking about Ari. She moved so quick that I tripped over myself twice trying to get to her. Noticing those three walking calmly behind in no rush whatsoever was a thousand words silently spoken. The basis was whatever happened to Rose, they couldn't care less.

"Rose we need to talk. Don't-"

She opened the door leading to the deck.

Ari's level headed. I'll just be grateful for that. Granted, we haven't seen her really upset. One of us normally saves her mood before it gets that far. I still need to apologize. How'd I make a mess of things this bad?!

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