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"Alice, wake up, idiot."

A small groan sounded from the lips of the girl in question at the sound of her friends voice, since she had fallen asleep on the plane journey, due to how tired her small body was.

She just wanted to sleep.

"Alice, wake up otherwise I will open the emergency door and let you be sucked out of the plane."

Alice Kim immediately shot up, wide awake with her brown eyes wide in fear as she turned her body to face the person that was sitting beside of her in the plane, seeing them snickering at her reaction to their words.

"Dick." Alice glared at the laughing face of Clément Novalak, seeing him having to use his hand to cover his mouth because of the large grin that he had on his lips.

She scowled as she noticed his shoulders moving up and down, signaling his laughter, and raised one of her hands to push his chest slightly.

"Don't sleep on the plane, then." Clément wiggled his eyebrows at his friend, knowing that he was just messing with her and would never actually cause harm to the girl, since she was practically his little sister.

Alice reached one of her hands up to tug at his dark brown locks, pulling it down so that the Novalak boy was forced to release a wince of pain, shooting his own hand up to clutch at the area that she had grabbed.

"Don't even think about sleeping in the taxi, because I have some permanent markers with me and I will draw on your face." Alice glared at the French boy, hearing his giggles.

"Maybe you can draw yourself a smile too." Clément smirked, winking at the Kim girl, hearing her release a fake and forced laugh.

"Oh you're sooo funny." Alice raised her voice to a much more high pitched sound, mocking and teasing her best friend.

"Oh, I know." Clément brought one of his hands up to his face, pretending the flick long hair out from his face, pushing it behind his shoulder.

The two of them always seemed to bounce off each other a lot when it came to humor and personality, and they were actually quite similar and had the same interests.

Clément had even been the one to introduce her to wine drinking.

"I've got some of the boys coming to see you and join us at the race." Clément glanced down at his phone, since he was re reading messages that he had recieved before he got on to the plane.

"Who?" Alice's face lit up at the sound of having some other friends coming to see her, and shot her head to face the French boy with raised eyebrows, subtly telling him to hurry up and tell her.

"Dennis, Marcus and Arthur." Clément chuckled, lifting one of his hands to pat her head, knowing that it annoyed her.

"Dennis still owes me a bar of chocolate." Alice spoke, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Arthur owes me a hug."

"How does he owe you a hug?"

"He hugged his brother but not me. Charles had to hug me instead." Alice muttered quietly, remembering when Arthur Leclerc's brother had given her a hug because his brother had walked off to speak to his fellow drivers, leaving his friend alone, albeit accidentally.

Arthur always did have an awful memory.

"Does Marcus owe you anything?" Clément chuckled, shaking his head from side to side at his friends stupidity.

"A trip to New Zealand." Alice chuckled, shrugging her shoulders since it was the only thing that she could think of.

"You don't want to come to France with me?" Clément pretended to frown, whilst taking a sip from his bottle of water that he had been given by the flight attendant.

"If you pay me to, then sure." Alice giggled, soon being joined by her friend, with the two of them trying not to laugh too loudly and disturb the other passengers on the plane.

As the plane landed in the United Kingdom, the two friends grabbed their bags and their luggage, before they planned what they were going to do once they arrived at the race of Formula Four.

"I'll probably see some friends I have there, so are you able to explore for a little while by yourself? I know that you make friends quickly." Clément questioned as they both climbed in to the taxi, with the Novalak boy having carried the suitcase of his Korean friend, having known that she would most likely fall over due to the weight distribution.

"Yeah sure. I might be able to find a better best friend whilst I'm at it." Alice tugged at his hair once again, teasing him as if he was her actual brother.

"Oh you can never replace me."

"Yeah she can."

Arthur Leclerc stood with a smile as the two bickering friends climbed out of the taxi, whilst he stood beside some of his friends that had come to see a race and their friend, Alice.

"Hey Leclerc. You owe me something." Alice grinned, seeing the Monégasque roll his eyes mockingly at her.

"Yeah fine. Come here, because I need to prove that I'm better at hugging that my brother." Arthur smiled brightly, dimples on his face as he did so.

The younger Leclerc held his arms out, wide open for his good friend, allowing her to walk in to his waiting arms, before closing them around her, hugging her gently.

Alice was one of his best friend's and was always hyperactive, but she was a very small person, so he could quite often misplace the girl and lose her due to their height difference.

She also had a tendency to walk off and disappear to make new friends.

It was how she met Dennis.

Dennis Hauger had heard Arthur's voice, searching for her before he had walked in to the small girl, since she had not met him before and had walked up to him to talk to him in the hope that she could make friends with him.

"Do I hug you now, or do I give you chocolate first?" Dennis grinned, seeing her pull away from the Monégasque to run towards him, grabbing the chocolate that he held in his open hand, before running back over to the Leclerc boy.

"Wanna share the chocolate?" Alice stared up at Arthur, seeing the hyperactive boy nodding his head up and down at her.

"Has she forgotten that I'm here too?"

Marcus Armstrong frowned as he stood next to the Norwegian that was Dennis Hauger, since he had an idea that the Kim girl was deliberately ignoring him.

"I want to go to Auckland, but you haven't agreed to take me, so until you do, I'm not hugging you." Alice released another giggle, whilst breaking up the bar of chocolate so that she could share it with her favorite Monégasque.

"Liam is better at tours than me." Marcus shook his head at his friend, seeing her pretending to ignore him.

"Don't care." She sung, as Dennis walked behind her to place his chin on the top of her head.

Clément chuckled as he watched his friends interactions, finding a feeling forming in his chest as he felt like he had a bunch of friends that were slowly becoming his family.

The feeling of content.



I wanna show her friendships before she meets Paul, but what do you think?

Is it good?

Please do check out all of my other books because I feel like they deserve some love and some comments.

Also check out my new MEET my OC's book, which is called Calmness of the mind, because all of my ocs are in one place, (slowly adding them because I have some many characters and so many books) and it will help you get to know them more

Anyway, I hope that you all enjoy this chapter and I'll see you all soon for the next one,

I'm so proud of all of you, my loves

Love you all


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