Chapter Eight

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My stomach felt like it was doing forward rolls as Marshall's car rolled into the shop. I nervously looked around, staring at the people testing for their license. I nearly jumped when a student's car jerked forward, knocking over a cone or two.

"Nervous?" Marshall asked, as if he could read my feelings. I bobbed my head slowly and steadily, my eyes still locked on the endless amount of driving tests happening at once. What if I crash, or run over someone? What if I fail?

"Just don't run over anyone or get off track and you'll be fine." I turned to him, eyes wide. He smirked, then shook his head with a chuckle.

"Leila, you'll do great," he reassured me, patting my knee. I sighed and turned away, my eyes traveling over to the courses again.

"We should go now, yeah?" Marshall smiled. I nodded, shrugging. He hopped out of the car before appearing on my side, opening the door and gesturing me to come out. I hesitated before cautiously slipping out of the car.

As we walked, I took little steps. It was hard to keep up with Marshall, who looked like was taking power walks up the road. My feet scuffled against the concrete to keep up.

My feet came to a short stop. Lips trembling, I forced my head up to meet my driving conductor. The guy grinned at me.

"Hello," the man greeted us. I shyly smiled and Marshall gave him a tight nod. "Here for your driving test, correct?"

"Y-yes," I replied. My face had to be as pale as a ghost when he handed me a stack of papers to fill out. My shocking look must have been noticed when Marshall squeezed my hand.

"My name is Jack," the man introduced. I smiled before answering with my name.

"Well, Leila, you can have a seat over there and fill out the paper work while I discuss some things out with your father." My cheeks burned slightly, mouth parted when he used the term 'father', referring to Marshall. No one had seem to notice though, which was a good sign.

I complied, my feet carrying me across the carpet to a small waiting room. I fell back into a chair before placing the clipboard on my knee. I bit my lip, reading the paperwork over before answering the easy and personal questions. My brain seemed to blank out once I came across the parents' information. Should I had put down Marshall and Kim? Or my real parents...

I shook my head, trying to clear the thought of my parents out of my head. Without thinking twice about it I jotted down Marshall and Kim's information on the lines provided.

After what felt like 10 years, I placed the clipboard to the side. My handwriting filling all the lines and spaces. I crossed my right leg over my left one and tapped my finger on my knee, waiting for the conversation between Marshall and Jack, the constructor, to end.

I looked up as Marshall stood before me, grinning. He held out a hand, "Ready for your first driving test?"

I took his hand, my parted lips trembling. "Th-there's more then o-one?"

He chuckled, nodding. "Lets get you set up,"

He walked me outside where, sure enough, Jack was standing there with a smile plastered on his face. I looked wearily to Marshall before he encouraged me to move forward.

"Don't look so nervous," Jack said, leaning into the small car I'd be training in. He flicked the key inside the engine making the car roar. I gasped, startled. Jack waved me into the car as I looked back at Marshall, who stood with his hands in his pockets. He gave me a reassuring smile and a nod. I hesitated before ducking and sitting down.

"Do you know the parts of the car?" Jack asked once he appeared in the passengers seat. I shook my head, a black strand of hair falling into my eyesight. I brushed it back and gripped the steering wheel.

"Some," I replied.

"Here's the driving petal," He moved my legs over and pointed to the biggest petal. "and here's the brakes."

I nodded, positioning my feet on the driving petal.

"Put it in reverse," Jack ordered. My hands found the stick shift and pulled it to where it came across the 'R' symbol.

"Slowly and carefully drive back," My eyes widened as I looked at Jack in disbelief. My hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as I looked wearily at him. He nodded encouragingly.

Knuckles pure white, I lightly stepped on the petal. The car jerked backwards . I slowly pulled out, Jack giving me a reassuring smile.

"Today were only focusing on reverse. Do that two more times and you're free to go," he said. I nodded, pulling back into the parking spot. I repeated and pulled out. Jack clapped his hands together once I shut down the car. "That was really great!" he smiled.

"Thanks," I huffed, relieved. We got out of the car and I returned to Marshall's side. He wrapped a protective arm around me and gave me a noogie. I winced, laughing before punching his shoulder.

"Was that so bad?" Marshall teased, poking me in the stomach. I laughed, the wind making my hair fly in front of my face. I brushed it back, poking my tounge out at him.

"Shut up." I mumbled back. He chuckled.


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