Addressing everyone's inquiries

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Hey everyone, as you can tell (or not) this will be a very long Authors Note regarding everything about the story, first of I'd like to mention that Humans are one creature, but we all are extremely different from one another.

A common thing all humans have, is to make mistakes and feel emotions.
Even emptiness is an emotion... believe it or not.
But I'm sure most of you will given the negative feedback I got about Y/N shedding a few tears and being vulnerable... or maybe not, that would however mean you're some sort of monster. Shocking thing to say I know.

Now let's address the fact that Y/N shed a few tears.

Disclaimer: if you're the type of person that can GIVE FEEDBACK but NOT TAKE ANY BACK you probably shouldn't continue reading what I have to say.

CH12 - A Valuable Lesson 3

About the ending of the chapter a valuable lesson I received a Ton, and I mean, A WHOLE TON of feedback on why Y/N was crying.

I made Y/N to be emotional simply because: SHE'S HUMAN!! She was born a human, she was raised as a human. Jujutsu Sorcerers are also in first hand humans.

Humans are capable of being emotional, they can feel psychological, physical and emotional pain. Crying is very normal and okay. No one should be shunt down for crying. NO ONE.

Just because you are either emotionally unavailable, numb or mentally unstable etc doesn't mean that crying can be a sign of weakness or that anyone should be looked down upon for having emotions. That's a very toxic trait of you guys. I'm entirely disappointed.

Ch19-21 Deep Buried Past
Ch 27-31 Back When
Ch34-39 There was once a Time

I don't wanna attack anyone here, this was mildly a confusion that has occurred about the "age differences."

I thought I made it clear that Y/N is 25 since the very beginning. Go check that up if you're blind or something.

All of them were PAST STORY CHAPTERS heavily inspired by the manga itself or just Y/N was added as a side character to the story.

Now let's talk about how you can tell if it's a past story chapter.

Usually Past Story chapters are divided in multiple chapters, prime examples: Ch19-21 Deep Buried Past, divided in three parts of ONE PAST STORY.

Indicators of past story chapters are either referenced in an A/N or have this template on them:

(L/N), (F/N), Current Age: 15, soon 16.
Jujutsu Tech first year - Tokyo.

Mind you guys those are in every chapter that has something to do with the Past, JJK 0 or the There was once a Time chapters, the chapters where Satoru's and Suguru's past was shown or the Deep Buried Past chapters or even the self created Back When chapters.

They all have those indicators that reference a different time either the past or future. Present time chapters do not have those.

Also stop calling Satoru a pedophile, I'm well aware that most of you are of age 13-16 but calling someone a "pedophile" is a heavy accusation and should never be used as a joke or any harmful way towards anyone that does not fit the criteria!

Ch 27-31 Back When

A lot of you have been talking about how Y/N's "grudge" towards Satoru made her seem too rude and mean and cold and what not else.

However Y/N never held a grudge against Satoru.

Sure she did a lot of things that indicate a grudge on him at the very beginning but she doesn't hate anyone. She shouldn't hate anyone since hate is a too strong emotion that humans wield with no care in the world.

Besides keeping a grudge for over a few months is quite something. Most people (if not all) forget all about it after a few months.

As to why Y/N actually left, it was due to disappointment.

Satoru broke his promise to her. Mind you that at those chapters Y/N only had Satoru and her Family to rely on. Nobody else. Satoru was the only person she trusted the most, if it came to life and death Y/N would have sacrificed herself for him.

Now we pose the question as of why?

Shinkiro's (Y/N's brother) sudden "death" left her vulnerable and unable to process her emotions about it. It was also mere moments right after meeting Satoru that Shinkiro died.
Y/N started Jujutsu Tech with no one close around. She then met Satoru, Shoko, Suguru and so on.

A void that was left by Shinkiro started to fill up by her new friends.

With Geto undergoing his Villian Arc that void lost a fragment that filled it up. Satoru was the one to fully close the void.

Y/N saw Satoru as her best friend, her comrade, her colleague and most importantly someone she could fall in love with. And she did.

I've recieved a lot of feedback saying that Y/N overreacted and left Satoru for no good reason, read up what I said about how Y/N viewed Satoru and imagine if you have someone like that in your life.

Now imagine that person breaking their promise to you.

You'd be completely shattered inside and potentially even outside. You'd make stupid choices and you would feel so hurt that it's impossible to comprehend.

Adding up to that, Shinkiro and Y/N both had one dream: To be Special Grade Sorcerers.

Y/N wanted to achieve that dream for the both of them after he died which adds even more emotional baggage.

To end up betrayed is just the worst feeling.

Especially if you're going through it all for someone that you loved.

Why did the story discontinue?

The answer to that would be Time. I have no time to focus on my studies as well as pursue a career.

I am 20 years old and have so many responsibilities at this time of my life.

I study Fashion Design which isn't easy at all (just like every other major) as well as I work as a Head Supervisor for a whole marketing department.

I can't guarantee for certain that I will make new chapters, but if I can I will.

Over all moral of the story

This is a Psychological story to begin with. It has a lot of psychological turns and twists and what not else.

Mind you that next time you reread the story.

Think more and pick up the pieces to understand Y/N and you'll find a lot of common ground you have with her.

As always I wish you guys all the best, I will not apologize if someone got offended by my words since being called out often feels like offending someone, but that's a different story.

I hope you guys have an amazing 2023 ahead of you and a very happy and healthy life.


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