Godzilla battle part 2

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E. Gadd: Godzilla's movement.....stopped. 

Grodus: Did we succeed? Is it trapped?

Godzilla remains buried in the rubble of the trap point, roaring in pain like a restrained animal as it tries to get out.

Bowser: Boys, he's trapped. Now, COMMENCE FIRE!!

Bowser's artillery units begin firing at Godzilla, who roars in pain. Deciding now's the time to activate the shield, it protects itself by activating its shield, not knowing this was it's undoing.

Black Yoshi: Target's shield is generated.

Grodus: All gun ports, attack!

Black Yoshi: Currently at 75% sync for EMP!

E. Gadd: 75%? Could the pattern be changing?

Black Yoshi: Alignment incomplete. Unable to predict when the shield will collapse!

Bowser: Just scan it again! We can't attack like this!

Grodus: Search for the noise. Hurry!

Black Yoshi: Noise detected. The next shield collapse is in 20 seconds.

Grodus: Good. Are the restraints holding?

Godzilla continues to get shot at as its shield begins to deteriorate, as Black Yoshi detects synchronization.

Black Yoshi: Sync at 100%. Detecting resonance within the wave form! Shield collapses in 10 seconds.

In the 10 seconds, the tanks continue to fire their attacks at Godzilla, who's shield begins to become visible, and the dorsal fin becomes vulnerable.

Bowser: Four, three, two......Artillery unit in the back, FIRE!!

The back forces shoot at the dorsal plates, destroying most of them.

E. Gadd: Okay, just keeping shooting at the dorsal fin.

Black Yoshi: The shield is dropping, but EM concentration is rising!

Godzilla suddenly shoots its particle breath at a tank, destroying it.

Bowser: He can still attack?!

Black Yoshi: Guys, the area around the dorsal plates is regenerating!

Grodus: At this rate, the shield will be restored.

Godzilla's shield begins to redevelop, as it begins breaking out of the restraints, beginning to get back up.

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