twenty-five (tw) - reunited

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RICK BEGAN SPEAKING as they walked down an abandoned train track, but none of the others were listening.

Ellie was in between Michonne and Carl, keeping an eye on their shoes so neither could cheat.

"What are you doing?" The Grimes man turned around.

"Winning a bet." Carl answered smoothly, teetering to the side a little before he steadied himself.

"In your dreams." The Hawthorne woman snickered. Rick smiled softly.

"Hey, I'm still on." The Grimes boy said just before he grabbed Ellie's shoulder to stop from falling. Michonne laughed.

"Spoke too soon, wise guy." She teased.

Rick walked back to them. "This might go on a while. Maybe we can speed this up."

"Yeah, you're right. We shouldn't be fooling around." Michonne subtly motioned Ellie out of her way.

"We should—Carl!" She attempted to scare him, falling from the beam herself.

The Dixon girl laughed loudly, glancing back at Carl as the two shared a high five.

"I win. Pay up." He held his hand out expectantly. Michonne sighed, but grabbed the last two candy bars from her bag.

"Is that the last Big Cat?" Ellie crossed her arms as strands of her hair flew around in the wind.

Carl sighed, thinking his decision over before grabbing for the Big Cat.

"Oh, come on!" Michonne grumbled.

"Hey, but you said winners choice." Carl defended himself.

The Hawthorne woman huffed teasingly. "Go ahead, take it. It's yours. You won it fair and square."

Carl broke the bar into thirds, passing one piece to Ellie before holding the last one to the woman.

"Come on, Mich. We always share." The Dixon girl pushed.

Michonne smiled, taking the piece and knocking it against Ellie and Carl's in a silent cheers.


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