the red woman

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Motherhood agreed with Joanna.

It had been six moons since the birth of Eddard and Alina and as more time passed her children grew stronger and healthier.

She realized that it was the years of practise she had with Tommen and Marcylla that made her experienced in this field. She knew to dress in colourful gowns with playful beads, their cries when they were hungry, tired or scared. But thinking back to how she helped take care of her brother and sister only made her miss her mother home.

She couldn't dare say it out loud but it was true, with each night and day with her children she understood Cersei more. With every time her babes giggled or even sneeze it dawned on her the love a mother should have for her children. A true, unwavering loyalty and care.

Joanna sat in her chambers with Alina in her arms as Eddard was still asleep , her eyes memorizing every detail of Alina as she feed her child.

After everything she had endured, she never thought she would ever find solace and peace again, but fate had different plans and though she wished Robb could have been with her as she gave life to their children, she would not take a single cry back to what she had with her children.

She was still at war she knew this, but her babes somehow blissed the raging fire within her.

During the last five moons she had not put a hold imminent war with the Boltons, but rather seized attacks. Not only because she wanted to heal from her labour but also knew it would be reckless to constantly attack Roose and his son.

Somehow they would realize that it was a threat to Winterfell, and she could not waste the Tully army. Joanna would bring the Boltons to their knees slowly and diligent, so that their death could be all the more satisfactory for her.

The door of her chambers slammed open as she was startled by the woman in her door. "Princess, how glad I am to see you." Selyse Baratheon entered her chambers unwelcomed as Joanna could not comprehend her aunt in front of her. Unwantedly she picked Eddard out of his crib soothing him as Joanna was ready to grab the dagger under her pillow "And look at him. The Lord has blessed you with two babes!" She laughed as Joanna stood up, covering her breast as she rested Alina against her chest

"You have one chance to set my child down or I will have your fucking hands removed!" Joannas scolded as her chamber door opened to reveal Sansa.

Out of breath Sansa took Eddard from Selyse "I'm so sorry, she insisted on seeing you and the babes." As Sansa spoke Joanna's wetnurse entered the room

"What the fuck are you doing here!" Joanna argued back "Who gives you the right to pick up my child, no less even look at him!"

The room grew silent as Joanna soothed Alina's head before waking up the children. She looked to Sansa and the wet-nurse as Selyse arrogantly smirked at the young girl

"You have an audience with the king." She answered

Joanna grimaced at the thought of him being North. Joanna sighed as she handed Alina to the wet-nurse as Sansa placed Eddard in his crib. Before leaving her chambers she grabbed the dagger under her bed as she looked to Sansa "Don't leave the chambers or the children." She glanced back to Selyse "Under any circumstances."

"I must say I was quite surprised to hear you're alive , beloved niece." Stannis Baratheon turned to face Joanna in Blackfishs council room.

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