Chapter 14

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Hey guys thank you for not being silent readers I appreciate it, thanks for everything my babies.

This chapter is dedicated to @Queen_Chocolate234 Because someone noticed my sass like FINALLY!

I LOVE Y'ALL (even if y'all don't).

Bonnie's POV-


"Yeah it's mine I got it built a few years ago" I said rubbing my neck sheepishly.

"YOU HAVE A FREAKING MANSION AND YOU NEVER TOLD ME!' care screamed making me flinch

Like damn bitch is loud.

"Oh come it was supposed to be a surprise" I said she just rolled her eyes.

"Fu~fu, but If you put it like that surprises are kind of my thing so, BEST SURPRISE EVER!" Care screeched making me laugh.

"Thanks bitch"


We all are done packing and setting all our things up now we are going to play truth or dare I am very Very excited about this.

We all sat down on the floor forming a circle except Nik and Elijah as they said and I quote 'its childish to sit on the floor when we have chairs' so they sat on the chairs instead.

"Okay I'll start, Damon truth or dare" Caroline said.


"Yes!" Care cheered " Damon I dare you to call Stephen and tell him ur getting married " care said which made us all chuckle but Damon scowled.

"Fine" Damon said and started dialing Stephens number and after a minute he answered "Damon, it's a surprise to get a call from you" he said with curiousness in his voice.

"Yeah yeah shut the hell up I just called to tell u that I am getting married " Damon said annoyance clear in his voice which made me out a hand on my mouth to stop me from laughing.

He playfully glared at me when I giggled a little.

On the other line we hear Stephen laughing and not a genuine laugh it was an 'are u kidding me' laughing

"You have to be lying, who would get married to you i mean like your ugly asf, selfish,evil,cruel and alot of other stuff I am to tired to say" Stefan said and he sounded jealous and clearly confused.

"Well I will have you know that there is someone who is willing to marry me"Damon said cockily.

He enjoyed his brothers jealousy.😂🤣crazy bitch.

"No your lying and I am having none of it" and with that the other line went quiet to which we laughed at so much I am sure our stomachs started hurting.

I loved playing Truth or dare.


Sorry for the short chapter
Just wanted to let y'all know that I am back and don't forget to press the star.

Love y'all<3

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