The Gods Of Asgard.

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              Disassociation, detaching ourselves from the reality that surrounds us, disconnecting from the world, its people, and sometimes our own thoughts

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              Disassociation, detaching ourselves from the reality that surrounds us, disconnecting from the world, its people, and sometimes our own thoughts. Carina has been doing it a lot lately, ditching herself from her surroundings, as matter of fact, the time has been nothing but a blur for a while now, but she couldn't help but be glad for it at times.

Despite everything that happen in the past months, Carina was still required to go to her classes which were still held in the rooms of the Kamar-Taj, however, some parents weren't happy about it, they didn't want a repetition of what happened to Hanna and Eloise to happen to any of their children. They were scared she'll lose it again and try to hurt them or something far worst, but they weren't the only ones with fear; if her classmates avoided Carina then, now it seems that she was all they could look at. They were always warily staring at her, waiting for her to jump to her feet and do something to them, the professor was also a bit distrustful but he manages to hide it better but Carina knew.

Oh, how she misses the times when she was being ignored because now they treated her like a time bomb waiting to happen and that in her opinion was far worse.

Whispers and stares continue to follow her even more now, whenever she pops up into the temple for classes it was something she could count on happening, though, none of them knew what had truly happened, they didn't know the whole story, to which she was grateful for, she could only imagine how people would react to that information.

They will want her head on a platter.

Thankfully, Wong was there to defend her at every turn, against every murmur that reach his ears, against all the stares and judgment, he was right beside her like her trusted guardian and friend, giving her the courage to face the day. But in spite of that, it took her a bit to face him again after her memory, she loves Wong, that much is known but whenever she looked at him all she could see was him being impaled on a pipe, blood coming out of his mouth, choking him. Sometimes she still does.

He caught on to it really quickly, after her previous distancing before the big chaos no one was taking any chances, so, he asked her to tell him what happen and if there was something wrong. Carina didn't say anything, she couldn't tell him she remembers clearly how she killed him, how is that conversation supposed to go? 'Hey, yeah sorry, I had a dream where I killed you but I'm guessing that was not a dream, so sorry about that anyways let's go back to listening to Beyonce–' yeah, no, she's been through a lot lately let's not add that to the list, instead, Carina just told him she was exhausted of people's stares and whispers which was the truth to an extent.

Consequentially to that, whenever Carina arrived to the sanctum, Wong was right next to her, whenever she had a break, he let her eat lunch in the library regardless if he wasn't the librarian anymore, and pretending he's not busy to join her for lunch until she had yet another class. 

That being said, Carina hardly visits the Kamar-Taj anymore unless she had to, she much rather stay in New York, because at least there she could have some peace and quiet– despite Stephen there who is becoming more of a bother than not– Just a month before he told her they were going to begin her training with magic, it came as a surprise to her because earlier that day, he and Wong got her a strawberry cupcake with a candle to celebrate the day she so much wanted to forget, however she was grateful for it, extremely grateful, but not for the cake but for them, for Wong and Stephen, who she couldn't help but view as family, but then, after a such pleasant surprise, the latter drop the bomb.

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