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Emma's POV

I was walking into the locker rooms as I found Maya waiting for me at the stairs

"Maya" I said as I looked at her "hey" I said softly

"come up to my office" she said with quite a stern face as I nodded and followed her into her office as she closed the door behind us

"Maya I..." I began as she shut me turning to me

"Emma what is going on?" she asked and I looked at her confused "you know better, you're not this dumb" she said

"Maya I didn't mean to..." I tried

"I know you didn't but you did, and there's definently something going on with you." she said "you've been acting weird ever since"

"I'm not Maya, I'm just..." I said trying to look for the exact words

"you're what Emma? Cause honestly the only thing I can see is someone who's broken yet won't accept it" She finished saying

Maya's POV

Damn maybe I did went overline with that

"Emma, I didn't mean to" I said as I got closer "I didn't mean it that way" I said as she looked at me

The door opened up as Andy's face popped in

"Maya, oh sorry I..." she said "They're looking for you downstairs" she said and I nodded as I followed her downstairs

"hey is everything okay?" she asked and I shook my head

"I... said stuff I should have said" I admitted

Vic's POV

"Bishop Jr, you're up with me" I said as the Aid Car alarm went on

"got it" she said as she jogged after me and into the aid car

"so, how's that head feeling" I smiled as we drove over

She weakly smiled as she turned to me "Vic I'm really sorry about last night" she said

"oh please roomie" I smiled "sure, you had a couple more drinks than you should have, but come on, it has happened to us all"

"I know, I just feel awful about it" I said

"I know, I get that guilt, but trust me, we've all been there" I said "so, roomie wise, you excited?"

"damn yeah" she smiled "can't wait"

"and... we're here" I said as we arrived to the location

Carina's POV

"so Maya didn't react great to it?" asked Teddy as we walked down the halls

"not really" I said "and I get it, but I also get how she can misshandle this kind of situation"

"I mean, it's not nice to see, of course it isn't" she said "but I guess we can only learn about it with life, learn from this kind of mistake"

"yeah, I tried to explain that to her, but... seems impossible in her mind" I said

"and look who is here" she said as we saw the Aid team coming through the E.R

"hello there" I said as I saw Vic and Emma walking through

"hey Carina" smiled Vic and Emma stood behind looking at me

"I'm gonna go sign off the patient" she said "and you, your adventure is over and you're off shift today" she said looking at Emma who nodded "and you two should speak" she said in half a whisper so we both could listen and I chuckled

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