Before Light - Remastered - chapter 9

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It had been two days, no, three, or four? It had been five days perched at the top of this deserted compound, watching the Demons crawl about underneath unaware of my existence, as it shall be, while I await the coming of the designated target.

The Eye of the Lord had last seen them fly by a fallen citadel at the north, where it had attempted to lure the target in, only to be foiled by a stray Dark Unerva. Shame, shame.

That's why I am here. To make sure no Demons nor Dark Unervas would shuffle the grand scheme, the grand Slam. Whatever it is called.

Ah. Here they are.

Good ol' Betelgeuse, sword of the sky. There it perched. Hmm, I see, I see. As expected. One would have thought they have infinite resources or some magic cultivating tech to farm their own fuel, not that they have the guts to do so...surely they would come to this deserted factory compound for some spice. Light Fuel. Whatever it is called.

Oh, here they come.

My that not—Firren?

That young chap, serious and stoic, with that stern brooding face and prestigious manner, always as precise, contradicting his wavering uncertainty. Hardened outlooks to shield his fragile secrets, as expected, as expected. But who does not like a conflicted man?

There now—oh. My, this is wild. A Starbreaker long gone, has returned! Impossible! But what doubt can one say to the man of the impossible, Seito himself? Now, this is tricky...They have an ace in the whole after all. A man even I dare not trifle with. Hmm, decisions, decisions...

But wait. Where is the target?

Is she not with them? Not on the field? Not for this mission? Just when I have come in person to welcome thee, you chose not to show yourself?! Oh, my poor luck.

Guess I'll have to change my game plan.

Mm-hmm. Those are skills not to trifle with indeed. The speed, the blows. I have to be careful. That might just be all... wait. He missed one Demon. Seito! One more Demon behind you...and it's gone. Alas, with the powers of thee Lightning of great magnificence, it is the overconfidence in your blood that heralds thy doom. Or Light Blood? Whatever it is called now...

The apex of the protruding turret stirred as a Starbreaker covered in dust and camouflaging paint rose from its hideout, like a rock that came to life, leaning toward the sharp edge, before vanishing in a whoosh, zapping at untraceable speed to its next hiding post.

How an enormous craggy figure of thick hide leaps in a flash no one knows.

Mayhap it is a common ability among First Generation StarBreakers, the one in hiding thought to himself.

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