What a mess

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Theo's pov :

as im Getting ready to go to school I can't help but think about Alana. She's hot and she make me horny as a man I need to fuck her but as her man I want to make her feel loved I'm not saying that I love her well idk yet cause I do love the way she makes me feel.
I left that party no long after she left it was boring without her
I have this other girl Sydney she quite hot and fuckable but even tho I'm sure I have her in my pocket she's not as interesting as my Alana.
Hi I'm theo cam the son of the famous ceo of cam corp eliot cam. My dad is rich rich and I currently live in one of his penthouse he comes to visit me at least 2 a month. I don't mind him tho he's always been there when I needed him for my theater presentation my games and anything call him he's just busy. And I live a comfortable life so I'm not gonna mind.
As I'm getting ready to go to school I receive a phone call ..... idk that number
"HIIIiii Theo it's me syd" did I gave her my number ?
Was I that drunk !? Oh fuck
"How did you get my number "
"I was wondering can you come pick me up for school my car broke down"
Huughhhhh well she was never mean to me and I don't mind helping people but imma have to tell her that she has no chance with me
"Send the address I'll be there in 10"
"Omg thanks b"
B wft is b !
Anyway I have to go now
** picking up syd**

"Get in"
"Hi Theo thanks again for that and to say thank you you can eat with me during lunch"
"Ill see " actually she seems nice maybe we can become friends but I'm not to sure about that well see
**pulling up in school**

I arrive in my porch I love this car it's one of my fav
I go park next to an Audi R8 waw this car is amazing I want one.
As I get out I see that syd expect me to open the door for her. Smh of course I'm a gentleman , as I open the door for her there she is looking at me Alana
But wait she look disgusted what's wrong

Alana pov:

The horrific vision in front of my eyes
That is every good thing that happens in my life get taken away
I'm a bit dramatic I know but why is he with her.
They probably fucked after the party and now they are dating.
Well that means I'm not approaching Theo I don't want the queen bee to sting me

Well let's go to math class ....

**lunch time **
As I get out of my last hour I'm happy to see that none of my classes are with Theo
It's lunch time let's go at my usual place to eat....my car I have 30 min before my next class witch isn't really a class although it's graded it's my option I have a engineering class it's pretty fun we build stuff and more
*30 min later

As I'm walking to my option class I hope nobody took my sit I'm the only girl in this class witch give me no inconvenience because I'm practically invisible and not considered a girl.
I take my sit I usually sit alone since no one want to be with me and that's a good thing .
That when I saw them my heart skipped a beat, of course he has to be there it couldn't be so easy

Mark and theo are entering class together they became friends apparently

Theo's pov :
Back to lunch**
Lunch was fun I had a chance to talk to mark and he not the asshole I thought he was but as long as he's not bothering Alana I'm okay with him existing
He had a chance to talk to me about the school drama and other stuff that's not really interesting until he starts talking about Alana
"Well this girls is hot and I've been trying to fuck her since freshman year but she won't let me" as mark is saying that I'm about to punch him real hard and make him regret to be born but I control myself I'm eager to learn everything they know about Alana
" why won't she let you does she have a boyfriend or sum and are y'all friends with her ?" I ask trying to get a much info as I can
"not really she tried had a conversation with syd bf a while ago and syd thought she wanted him so she made a rumor about her no one remember what the rumor was but because of that she has no friends and she act like a bitch " I don't like the way they treat her
" but we call her miss slutty around here" he adds
Wft is wrong with them
"I see I see"
Syd talks " trust me you don't want nothing to do with this bitch she's crazy "
I love crazy people then

We're walking to our next class with mark I don't know how to feel about him yet but we'll see
As we walk to class I see Alana sitting by herself in so happy to have a class with her
But ofc mark is running towards her
" how's my fav slut doing today " the urge I have to hurt rn
" fuck you mark" was all she said
I love how she just tell him to fuck off everytime they talk
Well I see an empty sit next to her I guess it's not gonna stay empty for long

Alana's pov:
"Hi" he said while looking deep into my eyes if we weren't in class I would jump on him rn
" I see that I still make you nervous princess "
"Hum h h hi y yeah well you no you don't make me nervous "
"If you say so"

"Hi class" the teacher interrupted us

- Alana you're called to the principal office-

Omg nooo why does this always happen to meeeeeee

Apparently someone said to The principal that I was using drug on campus and that's why I'm eating in my car all the time so that I can get my dose
Ofc that's not the case and I'm sure M clarson (our principal) knows it that's why he didn't call my parents and nothing is written about it but I have detention all week and I have to eat in the cafeteria from know on. Ugh I hate them ofc I know who made that rumor and as I get out the principal office guess who I see ....

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