dating pt 2

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Um been a while since I Ethan the host posted here and um well dating sucks I got cheated on and JD beat him up though he didn't beat up the girl he said Elizabeth could do that but she didn't she called him the day we broke up and she just told him how much of an ass he was (in her nice way somehow)

So I've been taking time to myself and letting JD and Elizabeth kinda manage my school and talking to some friends

Tw: the next part mentions hurtful slurs and mentions suicide and fat phobia

I got called a freak by him
Let me just list it because this mf was upset I found out and its literally fucling stupid also I keep calling myself these things so yea

Tw : insults






He then told me to kms even tho I just confronted him  about cheating  and thought I was a fat fucking pig

He said he pitied me (even tho he asked me out and had his friends beg me to accept)

I was called homophobic and transphobic slurs

So went home cried and the next time I awoke as myself I was back home wearing a black hoodie and sweat pants

Turns out JD went to him confronted him as well and they got in a fight

I'm fine now it's been a while so I'm just letting myself get over it and move on

Also the reason my ex didn't go to the cops was cuz he was underage drinking and was high and driving without a license

So yea....

Anyways love you guys mwah♡


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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