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Week Later
Sunday Jasmine pov

It Been a week since jordie had the baby and she been sleeping a lot today since it's Sunday The family coming over to have Dinner Paris cooking of course I'm getting Ivy today so they can meet her I get her one week jordie get her one week since jordie on bed rest

This week I gotta go to the doctor with Karin Wednesday to find out the gender I ask her did she want to have a gender reveal she said no so I just kept it at that

Right now me paris and the kids are a Sam to get the food she suppose to cook

"Bae can you go get some waters and juices" Paris ask

"Yeah" I said I walk to where the drinks was I bend down and got a case of waters I about to walk them I bump into someone make the my phone drop I look up seeing Santana

"Wsp Tana" I dap him up

"Hey what chu doing here" he ask

"I'm have a dinner at my house you and Jt should come"

"Yeah just send me the address girl and we'll be there"

"Ight" I said and walk off I found Paris them and put the water in the buggy

We got the rest of the stuff and left

"Bae I seen Tana" I said

"Frl you invite him" she ask

"Yeah I sent him the address"

"Is you getting Ivy today" she ask

Paris actually didn't have a problem with me bringing the baby over I thought she would have a problem but she didn't I mean should shouldn't have a problem with it

"Yeah I'ma have her the whole week" I said


We made it home I got the kids out I got the groceries out the car and put them up I Paris went upstairs to take a shower I grab my phone and call jordie

"Hello" she said

"Hey jordie I'm on the way to get Ivyanna is she ready"

"Ok I'm getting her dress now" she said

"Oh ok see you in a minute"

"Ok" she said before hanging up

I went upstairs put my phone on the charger and hop In the shower I wash 5 times and got out I went to my closet and pick out a yellow and blue graphic tee shirt and white jeans that match with my UCLA dunks

I put lotion and cologne on and my jewelry I put my hair in pop smoke braids and grab my phone and went downstairs to the kitchen

I grab me and water and kiss Paris lip

"I love you" I said between the kiss

"I love you too" she smile

"I'm out" I said and left I lock the door and got in the car and head to Jordie house


I got to jordie house I got out and went to the door I knock on the door and went in

"Yoo" I said

"I'M UPSTAIRS" she yelled I went upstairs to her room seeing jordie packing her bag

"Hey babygirl" I pick her up and kiss her cheek

I grab her car seat and put her in and buckled her up

"You made her bottles" I ask

"Yeah they in her bag" She said zipping it and giving it to me

My BestfriendDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora