Eber & the Baby

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Third Person POV:

Watch the baby.
That's what Raine intructed Eber to do. 
And so watch her, he did. 

He didn't understand her mere existance, where did she come from? All he knew, was that Raine had been pacing the floors of the castle for the 8 months or so, mumbling about a baby, then one week ago, she showed up. Tiny little 2 pound Mipha.
He didn't understand the creature in front of him, all she did was sleep, and scream. She was like no beast or creature he knew of. He was visiting, as she still resided at the Owl House, she would be moving to the castle in a few weeks. Raine, Eda, and Darius had left to go shopping for supplies, as the infant burned through food and diapers like a mad woman.

What was he to do if she began screaming? He could hold her, she was certainly very tiny, tinier than normal babies- according to Raine. When she appeared, Eda and Raine were very worried, she was only 2 pounds, 3 ounces, far too small for being something called 'overdue'. He didn't get it, why was she overdue? She didn't have any paperwork to hand in like the rest of them. She drinks from a bottle, rather than feeding from the mother like wolves do, Eda states her curse stopped her from providing you with food.

He watched her, squirming in her little swing thing, every time she breathed, she squeaked, or let out a small cry. What was she saying? Eber certainly didn't know. 
He began counting her breaths, timing her. She breathed roughly 44-50 times per minute, this intrigued him, she breathed a lot more than the rest of them. Eberwolf began to enjoy watching her, she was interesting.

So tiny, so pale, and so unpredictable.
She had glimering golden eyes, and teal hair. Despite the hair, she looked nearly nothing like Raine. She looked more like her mother in many ways. Eber knew he had to be patient, he personally couldn't wait to play with her when she was older. Children are full of energy, just like him, he loved playing, and couldn't wait to play with his little niece.
Something about her made him worry though, sure he's seen babies before, but he had never been around one for long. But even then, she smelled off, like there was something wrong with her, something the others couldn't see. Through the last week, his observations of Mipha grew, she seemed sensitive to smells and textures, she only like blankets made by Darius, she didn't seem to like anything cold, any milk given had to be the perfect temperature, or she wouldn't eat. 

She seemed picky, how could she be picky if she's only existed for 7 days? 

Eber's heart sank to his stomach as Mipha began to wake up, letting out a heart wrenching cry and squirming in the swing. He stared at her, listening to her cries, trying to understand what she wanted. She was a beast of some sort... Eber thought if he watched her for long enough, he would begin to understand her. 
About 2 minutes passed, Eber was thankful Hooty hadn't intervened, he was finally starting to piece together the puzzle his niece had laid in front of him. She would make little sucking noises before each cry, her arms reaching forward, as if she was trying to hold something. She hadn't figured out fingers yet, so she just had her tiny little fists in the air. 
Eber thought for a moment, before purring and running to the door, opening it. Hooty was revealed, wearing ear muffs. The Owl had silenced her from his head, she was rather loud. 

"Hoot Hoot! Is she crying?" Eber nodded chittering and jumping in a circle, before pointing to his mouth, trying to convey that Mipha was hungry. Eber hadn't seen Raine or Eda prepare food for her before, so he wasn't sure how to do it. 
"Oh! She's hungry! There should be bottles in the fidge, hoot. Just warm one up!" Hooty smiled, nodding his head as he shut the door himself. Eber ran to the fridge, grabbing a bottle before jumping onto the counter. He saw notes on the fridge, reading them. Each one held intructions, notes on taking care of Mipha. He read 98 degrees, so he did just that, listening to her cries. She was making a specific sound, one he had heard maybe once or twice before. Maybe she makes certain noises based on what she wants. He bounded back to her, remembering how he watched the others feed her, so he copied, watching her suck at the bottle, drinking it's contents. 

She ate in record time, impressing him. He then copied what he witnessed the other do whenever she finished eating, holding her, resting her on his shoulder as he gently pat her back. He didn't quite know why they did this to her, what could does smacking your child do? That was until he heard a little burp. He stamped his feet happily, feeling like he really was beginning to understand the small child. He jumped on the couch, setting the small girl on the cushion on her back, making sure she was far from the edge. She watched him, her eyes glimmering with wonder. Eber knew one thing, she couldn't see much, everything was blurry for her. But she seemed to like the colors dancing around her. Maybe that's why she liked the hanging doo-dads above her swing. 
Eber noticed her hair was short and messy, he thought for a moment, before leaning over and beginning to lick her head, cleaning her and putting her hairs in place. His niece let out happy noises, her hands grasping his fur and holding on tight. He licked her face, cleaning any muck off her, her skin peeling slightly. She was shedding her skin, much like he shed his fur.

Maybe she wasn't so bad... She may make Raine and Eda worry, but this little beast had brought a sense of family to everyone she met. He was glad you weren't stuck in the castle nursery, being waited on by random scouts. He recently heard cries of a child from the nursery, so there's obviously another baby in the castle. Maybe the two of them could be friends! The more Eber watched Mipha, the more he found himself not wanting to peel his eyes from her. He wanted to protect her, now willing to bark and bite at anyone he deemed a threat. 
This child was his niece, he was her Uncle Eber. 

He was now extremely excited to watch Mipha grow. 

He watched her yawn, growing drowsy. He felt himself grow tired as well just from watching her peaceful stature. He curled around her, making sure to block her from falling, and securing her. He began to purr, watching her fall asleep, his purring acting as a sort of white noise. 
Once he was sure she was asleep, he closed his eyes, letting himself drift off to sleep, joining the small girl in dream land, curling tighter around her to protect her.

Another hour passed, and that's when the door opened, revealing 3 very tired adults.
"I'm just saying, if you got exercise, you could lose the baby weight no problem!" Darius set his pile of things down, Eda scoffing.
"Darius, you carry a child for 9 and a half months, labor for 16 hours, and push them out of your butt, then get back to me about the baby weight" Eda groaned, before Raine shushed them, pointing to Eberwolf curled on the couch.

"He didn't kill her... I'm impressed" Darius nodded, Raine snapping a photo of their daughter sound asleep, her uncle holding her so tenderly, purring away.
"Told you he could watch her no problem" Eda snorted, watching with loving eyes. Eda wanted to freeze time, keep her daughter forever, but she knew she had to let her go, it was the only safe way for the girl to exist. She trusted Raine to raise her right. Eda was thankful that Mipha had Raines hair, the less Clawthorne-like she looked, the safer she would be. Eda's hair was beginning to turn grey, her short orange hair would probably be the only thing her daughter would remember of her. 

But she'll have Raine, Eber, and Darius.
Darius acted cold, but melted the moment he was with the small girl, holding her brought something out of him, so Eda felt nice knowing she would have him.
Raine would teach her everything she needs to know, and how to be a good witch.
Eber... well... Eda wasn't sure what Eberwolf would do for her little girl, but Mipha seemed content with him, so she would just trust the strange wolf thing to take good care of her.

It hurt, knowing Mipha would grow up, not knowing her own mother.
But this was for the best...
This was the right choice... right?

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