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2 Days Later Wednesday Jasmine

I woke up to my phone ringing I answer it without looking at the call ID

"Yo" i said putting it to my ear

"Jasmine is you coming to the appointment or not" i heard Karin say

"Yeah I'm going" i said

"Well why you not here it's at 9 and it's 8:30" she said sound pissed

I look at the date and time it sure was

"Oh shit my bad I'm on the way now" i said getting up she hung up i want i the bathroom brush my teeth and hop in the shower after I got out i dried of put deodorant on and lotions i spray cologne and put my jewelry on i put my apple watch and grab my cross bag I woke Paris up and told her I'm leaving i grab my phone and keys and left i open the garage and back out and close it And head to the doctor


I got to the doctor i went in seeing Karin

"Wsp" i said making her roll her eyes

"You mad at me" i said

"Yes cause i thought you forgot" she said

"I was deep sleeping and if you didn't call me i wouldn't be here right now" i said

"It's ok Jasmine"

"How you feel" I ask

"I'm nervous"

"What you think it is"

"I think a girl you" she said "A boy" i said "why didn't you want to have a Gender reveal again" I ask

"Cause one i don't like attention and two i don't want everybody in my business" she said

"But you posted yo stomach on Instagram"

"I know but tha- Karin Jinsui" we heard we got up and walk thru the door

"Hey how you doing today Karin" Dr. Scott said

"I'm doing good you"

"I'm fine thanks"

"So are you ready to find out what you having" she said look at Karin

"Yes ma'am"

"Ok lay down and pull your shirt up" she said

Karin did as told she out some kind of gel and use a the scanner and rub it on her stomach

"Ok so you are 5 Months pregnant you are very healthy what ever your doing keep doing because you and the baby is very healthy" she said looking at Karin

"Ok" she said we both smile

"So you are having a Baby Boyyyy" she dragged

"Congratulations" she said making me smile i look at Karin she cover her mouth and started crying i wipe her stomach off and pull her up she hug me tight

"You ok" i said

"Yeah sorry" she said

"Congratulations and take care of yourself" she said to Karin

"You and thank you" she said we left

"Can I ride with you" she ask

"Yes" i said i follow her to her house she got in my car and we went to get some food

"So how you feel now" i ask

"I'm happy I'm having a Son" she said smiling

"Yeah me too you wanna go shopping" i ask

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