Chapter 13

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Keelan's P.O.V.

"Daddy, I am sorry I ruined today," I mumble as I enter his bedroom after he gave me permission just before I head to bed.

"Kee, come here, love," he says, bookmarking his page in his paperback book, placing the book on his nightstand, and pats the empty space on the bed next to him.

Quickly crossing the room, I climb onto the empty side to snuggle into his side, and rest my head on his left shoulder. Dad instantly wraps his arm tightly around my waist with a gentle squeeze.

"Listen carefully to what I am about to tell you, son," he murmurs firmly, and I hum in response, so he knows that I am listening. "You did not ruin anything at all. Richard ruined the photo shoot, and his job at the company the moment he decided to strike you. What he did was horribly wrong on so many levels, and you were being your true self. Being your true self is all I want for my employees, but mostly for my son's."

Sniffling against his neck as I dig my face into his warm skin; "I am just surprised he did not know already. I do not hide who I am when I am around people. I just do not understand why he reacted the way he did."

"His reasons suck, and make absolutely o sense," dad gently murmurs as he kisses the top of my head again.

"I know I am too old to be sleeping in here with you, but can i sleep here tonight anyway?" I quetly ask with a small sniffle.

"You are never too old to sleep in here if you are in need of comfort or sick," dad gently answers with a soft squeeze of my waist.

"Thank you, daddy," I murmur, giving him a light squeeze. "I am gonna brush my teeth before sleeping."

"Okay, son," dad says as he unwraps his arms from me, so I can brush my teeth and wee before bed.

Kenley is already in bed, and has been asleep for the last three hours as it is already midnight. Quickly brushing my teeth after using the toilet and washing my hands, I climb back into dad's bed on the empty side. Yes, I called Taetum earlier, and we talked for about an hour, and we are going to hangout tomorrow afternoon at his place along with Emmett and Blake. Tomorrow will be the first time all four of us will hangout together. I have hung out with just Em and Taetum tomorrow a couple of times over the last month.

Snuggling back into dad's side, I giggle when I notice that dad had grabbed my two blankets off my bed. One is a twin sized, dark blue color with monkey's on it that dad gave me on my adoption day. The other one is a throw that is black and red plaid that Emmett gave me for my birthday a couple of years ago.

"Thanks for getting my blankets, daddy," I sleepily say as I snuggle down on the free pillow.

"You are welcome, bub," dad answers as he turns off his lamp on the nightstand. "Sweet dreams, and remember I love you just the way you are."

"I love you, too, daddy," I say through a loud yawn as my eyes close in heaviness.

The next morning, daddy's alarm wakes me at 7 a.m., and upon opening my eyes, I notice that dad is already up, and out of bed. Rolling to my feet, I wrap the throw around my shoulders to stumble into the bathroom to wee, flush, and wash my hands before heading into the kitchen.

"Good morning, sleepy head," dad chuckles as he places french toast onto three plates as Kenley places silverware on each plate as he loudly giggles.

"Morning," I croakly answer as I grab the milk from the fridge to pour everyone a glass of milk before placing the carton back.

"I am heading into work after breakfast, so I am gonna need you both to clean up from breakfast," dad tells us as we eat before his gaze lands on me. "I need you to mind your brother until I get back home, and I will be here before you are supposed to hang with your friends."

Nodding as I swallow my food before answering; "Not a problem, dad."

He smiles as we finish eating, and once he is finished, he heads to his room to grab clothes before showering. When he finishes, he tells us goodbye with a kiss on the top of our heads before leaving.

Five hours later, dad is back home, and I am waiting for Emmett to pick me up because he insisted on driving me because he does not want me driving anywhere. I do not understand his reasoning, but I did not argue with him because I know he is coming from a sweet place in his heart, so I did not and will not fight him on this.

Ten minutes later, Em has arrived with a text, and I head toward the door, and I call out to dad and Ken; "Bye! I will be back later, and I love you both!"

"Bye, love you, too!" dad and Kenley holler back as I open the door, stepping outside, and shut the door behind me.

Skipping over to Emmett's black Dodge Ram, I quickly climb inside, onto the passenger seat with a bright smile at him as I chirp; "Hi! Thanks for picking me up."

"Hey, and you are welcome," he returns with a chuckle at my excitement as I buckle myself as he backs from the driveway.  "What time do you have to be home?"

"Midnight, but I am good with earlier if you need or want to be home earlier than that," I answer with a soft smile toward him.

"I was not planning on going home since I am staying the night at Taetum's, but I can go back after dropping you off at home," he answers with a gentle smile.

Instantly frowning at him; "No, you do not have to do that. I will either call dad for a ride home, or get an Uber, so you do not have to leave, and go back."

I am slightly hurt that I was not asked to stay the night, too. Emmett quickly frowns at my tone and me before looking back at the road; "Taking you home is not a problem, Kee. Are you upset? Are you upset about not being asked to stay the night?"

"Nope," I mumble, adjusting in the seat to look out the passenger side window, so he cannot see my facial expression.

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