One Last Time

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The Finale: Chapter 1 of ?


It had been months since I had last seen Tommy. And for once, it wasn't by the coalition of Dream, or because of a war, or due to being kidnapped for the- how many times has it been? No. It was simply because Tommy wanted to be alone.

I had to admit, it unnerved me for the first week or so. Tommy had been through so much. He'd watched his nation be destroyed—twice, watched friends die, leave, or betray him one by one, and been tormented by Dream for years. And after seeing...the tower... he had built to get away from it all, it was hard to just let Tommy walk away.

I had tried to contact him, multiple times, since the last I saw him after our confrontation with Dream at the prison. I started off sending a letter, then two, then five. I may have gotten carried away. But when I didn't receive a response, and never seemed to be able to find Tommy at his house, I grew worried something had happened. That somehow Dream may have discovered he didn't burn the real discs, and that he had come back to hurt Tommy, or worse.

But I could only hope now that Tommy knew what he was doing, and that he really did just want some alone time. It was difficult to see the boy once so full of energy and ambitions, so down-put by Dream's tyrannous plans.

Speaking of Dream, he had also seemed to of just vanished off the face of the SMP. And now that he thought I was somewhere stuck in limbo, I was free to go about my days without the need to constantly look over my shoulder.

It was...a weird feeling to say the least. I had time to myself to just, do whatever. I first started by making sure all of my armor and weapons were fully mended and sharpened. I wasn't an expert in all things enchanting, so I had headed over to an old friend, Philza's, house where he taught me a thing or two and helped me get my equipment battle ready with the best protection there was.

But after I double and triple stocked up with potions and golden apples, there was nothing more I could really do to prepare for the day that Dream might come and knock at my door.

So I looked for a hobby to pick up. I spent some time with Niki, trying to learn how to bake, and that was an utter disaster. I burnt those cupcakes so terribly that all that remained when we pulled them out of the oven was a pile of black ash inside colorful pink wrappers.

She tried to teach me some embroidery skills she had picked up, but that didn't work out for me either. My hands were too unsteady to pull the thread through the fabric in the same repetitive pattern. I assumed years of fighting and being kidnapped does that to someone's ability to hold their self still for a long period of time. The patterns I created didn't look too terrible, more so was the annoyance of continuously poking myself with the needle.

I tried lowering the tension by going out at night and hunting mobs. But all was doing was wasting the supplies I had gathered to use against Dream if I ever needed, so I stopped that too.

But I still needed something to do to keep busy. So finally, I decided to resort to a Blade family tradition: farming. Potato farming more to be exact. I always made fun of my brother for his obsession with gardening this particular vegetable above all else. But now that I had given it a chance, I could see where the enjoyment came from. It was the same easy task, over and over again, but still had to be completed with some care, meaning I didn't completely zone out and get bored from the repetitiveness. It rewarded a simple profit, and a lot of it. I didn't even like potatoes all that well, after that's all I was fed in the prison for months and months. But I guess it would be my back up meal if it came to it.

And today was like none other than the past two weeks had been. I woke up, and rolled out of bed. My own bed, in my own place. After I had finally stopped running around so much, I figured I needed a place to stay. My house was a little distant from the central SMP, but the lights and conversation of the town could still be seen and heard. Tommy's house, the East edge of the prime path, and all other structures on that side were the closest. The prison was far behind me, but I still would've preferred being further away if at all possible.

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